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One more age after modern?

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  • #16
    my favorite part of the game is the acient era up to the medieval era. I start to lose interest once riflemen are invented. Especially if somone invenvts industrialization, ewww. i hate those red buildings.

    i don't play civ to go to the future, i play it to relieve (in a rather unserious fashion) the past. I think it should continue to end in 2020.
    By working faithfully eight hours a day, you may get to be a boss and work twelve hours a day.


    • #17
      Add my voice to the folks wanting the future to be an optional secenario addition. Maybe even omitted altogether and created by players. I'd much rather have FIRAXIS focus on the acient age. I'd like the years in the ancient age to go slower, as they do in the more modern ages and to have more technologies. I'd like to have a chance to build a large army of roman soldiers and have ancient time battles before they all go into the history books


      • #18
        Originally posted by Big Crunch
        Assuming there is a limit to the number of turns the game can last, I would rather have a more in depth game upto the modern era, than a more sparse game upto a future era. Instead of introducing 20 or so future techs just have 5 or so added to each historical era.
        I agree, i think Firaxis should attempt to recreate things like the medieval age, for example, when someone discovers fuedalism the game could open up to new science's to build from this, it should also affect city growth ect.

        Even though i think the game should go up to about 2035 Ad (technology wise), it should stop at 2000 Ad and let advanced players go on. I think this is how the turn based system should work:

        4000 Bc - 1000 Ad: 10 years per turn
        1000 Ad - 1500 Ad: 5 years per turn
        1500 Ad - 1750 Ad: 2 years per turn
        1750 Ad - 2000 Ad: 1 year per turn


        • #19
          i heartily agree here. More ancient techs! Equal turns for all eras! Stand up for the rights of the ancient world!
          By working faithfully eight hours a day, you may get to be a boss and work twelve hours a day.


          • #20
            Well, the thing about the old Civ games, as well as many strategy games, is that when you play it long enough, it becomes boring and predictable. I don't know about you, but people shouldn't be able to plan out an entire tech tree while in the Stone Age, when people had no idea about nuclear tech or physics.
            However, there is a partial solution to this. It entails much more to be done on the developer's part, but it would certainly improve the game a lot. Instead of just having countless "Future technologies" that really don't have any use. Why not have Firaxis continue developing newer and newer advances and release them as patches every once in a while? Not only will that make single-player games more fun, it would also give multiplayer games continuity. Instead of having a stand-off when every player has reached the peak of the tech tree, games can go on almost infinitely and still have new surprises introduced. Newer and newer tech, maybe things such as nano-technology and stuff, can be introduced I suppose, but with Firaxis constantly developing it, you never know. I think it's a great way to keep the game alive, since this is suppose to be the "ultimate" Civilization game and will probably be the last Sid Meiers will make.


            • #21
              I think you ask for too much. Such would take a LOT of work and it would detract greatly from where that work is most needed - the ancient age. Perhaps allow players to create their own units and technologies and leave the "future techs" up to mods and scenarios.


              • #22
                It would be nice (as perhaps a scenario making ability) to plug in a new era to the regular timeline of the civ 3 gameplay.
                The idea is you would use the scenario/game editing abilities in Civ to make the new era, but you could then place that era into your regular game.

                In Civ 2, there were four eras, such as the Industrial Era and the Modern Era.

                For example, it would be interesting to create an "alien era", or "apocolypse era", or "future era" and just plop that into the game (with a few more turns) after the modern era.

                You could then play the game with 5 eras.

                Most of the scenario features such as events could be applied to these special "eras" so you can, say, create the unique events for an alien era or apocolypse era.

                Just imagine the possibilities - lenghtening and adding to the medievel era for those who want to get more out of that era or adding in a future era for those people who want someting more to happen after modern tech.
                Or even make some special end game challenge such as a hard to defeat alien era (would require the use of special scenario making abilities).


                • #23
                  I wouldn't mine future techs as long as it isn't fusion tanks or some unit that would most likely not be around in the next 50 to 100 years.

                  I think if they at things that would happen in the next 25 to 50 years, then it would be ok, but not the way CTP messed it up.

                  Either way FIRAXIS will find a way to make it look good, even if it goes into the future!!!

                  Sid always has good ideas!!!
                  "What is the Matrix?" -Neo
                  "The Matrix is the world that has been pulled over your eyes to blind you from the truth." -Morpheus [The Matrix]


                  • #24
                    That would be nice if it was a turn on option. Although that might be to much technology for the 6000 years. One thing about CTP2 was I was was in the modern age by 1100.


                    • #25
                      There are millions of Ancient-Era only games...
                      Civ III could be interesting in that you could play an entire game from the beginning of civilization to, say, 2500...


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by manofthehour
                        That would be nice if it was a turn on option. Although that might be to much technology for the 6000 years. One thing about CTP2 was I was was in the modern age by 1100.
                        I always made it to the modern age in the year 1100 too!!! That was a major flaw in CTP and CTP2 was that there were very little techs, which would mean that you would go through the ages faster!!!
                        "What is the Matrix?" -Neo
                        "The Matrix is the world that has been pulled over your eyes to blind you from the truth." -Morpheus [The Matrix]


                        • #27
                          I think too much SciFi is bad... they should balance it well... CTP was soemtimes very.... strange... SMAC is fun though

