In all, or at least most, games of civ, naval warfare has always been a major aspect. I have two ideas to improve it slightly.
1. Canals
Like roads, built by settlers. of course, there would have to be a limiting factor, like say 7 connected max, so that you couldnt just line your continent with them and have battleships patrolling. Or you could make it so you cannot attack while in a canal, but CAN be attacked, that would be cool. I believe that being able to connect two bodies of water via canal would greatly increase naval tensions in civ, as well as solve that occasion where you build a navy in what turns out to be a big lake
2. Naval Bases
Not like the ones in civ 2, which work like airports or barracks, but like the AIRFIELDS in civ 2. building them on a land square allows naval units to dock there and get repaired faster than if they weren't on one. Again, that whole not attacking but being able to be attacked would apply, and there couldnt be two of them connected in any way (even via canal).
i think these two ideas would be awesome additions to any civ game, but i also know its a massive addition to the heaping pile of code yet to be constructed.
1. Canals
Like roads, built by settlers. of course, there would have to be a limiting factor, like say 7 connected max, so that you couldnt just line your continent with them and have battleships patrolling. Or you could make it so you cannot attack while in a canal, but CAN be attacked, that would be cool. I believe that being able to connect two bodies of water via canal would greatly increase naval tensions in civ, as well as solve that occasion where you build a navy in what turns out to be a big lake

2. Naval Bases
Not like the ones in civ 2, which work like airports or barracks, but like the AIRFIELDS in civ 2. building them on a land square allows naval units to dock there and get repaired faster than if they weren't on one. Again, that whole not attacking but being able to be attacked would apply, and there couldnt be two of them connected in any way (even via canal).
i think these two ideas would be awesome additions to any civ game, but i also know its a massive addition to the heaping pile of code yet to be constructed.
