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Which of the following 10 Civs NOT included in Civ II do you most want in Civ III?

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  • #31
    I'm new to this forum but not to the Apolyton website. Actually, I've been following this website since late 1999 but never bothered actually signing up and going into the forum. I am a die-hard Civilization fact, I've played well over 5000 hours of both I and II since I purchased Civilization I in September 0f 1994.

    I really like where this game is going, everything I thought would make this game better is going in there.....of course with the exception of religion and various other little things that would spice the game up but probably make it way to complex for even those who have played the originals to death.

    One of the areas which I really want to add my two cents is in this area...which Civilizations to include. I have done many years of study in University in both World History and International Politics, and I know this sounds pathetic but I fell in love with History when I first played Civilization, funny how life works eh?
    Anyways, from what I have studied in regards to various World Civilizations, here is the Civilizations that should be included (IMHO) and the leader that should lead them. I know that Firaxis has already chosen the Civilizations and their respective leaders, (Joan of Arc for France..give me a break! definately should have been Napoleon) But here it goes anyway:

    1.) Americans - Abraham Lincoln
    2.) Aztecs - Montezuma
    3.) Incas - Atahuallpa....if Aztecs are in, then these guys should be in as it would be nice to have a Civilization in South America.
    4.) Sioux OR Iroquois - Sitting Bull/(no idea of leader) ONE of these should be included, not both. There is no reason to have two Amerindian tribes in the game.

    NOTE - If One of these Civilizations are freed up, the Mayans should definately be included.

    5.) Celts - Boadicea
    6.) BRITISH - Victoria...Never mind the English, the British would be a much wiser choice (incorporating the Scottish) The height of Britains rule was 1897, before the Boer war shattered her glory. This was the year of the diamond jubilee, the 60th anniversary of Britain's greatest Queen ascending the throne.
    7.) French - Napoleon
    8.) Dutch - Not sure..maybe William of Orange? ...these guys should definately be included...greatest trading empire in 1600's.
    9.) Spanish - Isabella
    10.) Portugese - ? ...should also be included....fathers of Brazil and overall great colonial empire.
    11.) Vikings - Canute
    12.) Germans - Frederick the Great
    13.) Romans - Julius Caesar
    14.) Greeks - Alexander the Great
    15.) Russians - Vladimir Lenin
    16.) SOME OTHER SLAVIC CIVILIZATION....Polish, Serb or Hungarian would be a good choice....I kind of like the idea of Austro-Hungarians but that is kind of awkward because they were an empire with about 20 different ethnic groups and no clear identity.

    17.) Turks - Suleiman the Magnificent...The Turks (Ottoman) were responsible for destroying the Byzantine empire and nearly conquered Vienna in the 17th century.
    18.) Hebrews - David...The Jews have lasted for several millenia and even through centuries of persecution their culture survives. Should definately be included.
    19.) Assyrians - Sargon II...The world's first military empire..should be included for that reason alone. (Could argue that the Babylonians are similar to them)
    20.) Babylonians - Hammurabi
    21.) Persians - Xerxes
    22.) ARABS - Abu Bakr...It was a crime these guys were not included yet. Arab civilization is one of the most important the world has ever known....they are the reason Europe went overseas to search for a better trade route with India and China. During the European dark ages Arab civilization was at its zenith. It would be an abomination to leave the Arabs out this time around. The Arabs are NOT a religious group, they are a civilization unto their own.
    23.) Indians - Mohandas Gandhi
    24.) Mongols - Genghis Khan
    25.) Thai - Rama I (Phaya Chakkri)...I'm not sure if these guys should be in there or not, it would be great to have more East Asian Civilizations though.
    26.) Koreans - Yi Songgye...should definately be in there.
    27.) Japanese - Toyomoti Hideyoshi
    28.) Javanese or Polynesian - Not sure which one....I think it would be great to have the Javanese because it would fill up the Indonesian Islands and I mean considering there are 200 million Javanese would only be fair.

    29.) Egyptians - Ramesses
    30.) Carthaginians - Hannibal...Actually, these guys are somewhat arguable. But they were responsible for spreading their culture around the mediterranean and nearly brought down the Roman empire during the second Punic war.
    31.) Mali - NO IDEA OF LEADER - It would be nice to have another African Civilization. Not many people realize the greatness of this trading empire, which flourished (After Islam spread to it) in the 14th century from its capital of the greatest cities in Africa during its peak.
    32.) Zulus - Shaka

    Thats all.
    Like to hear some replies.


    By the way.....The Confederates would be a RIDICULOUS choice.....the Americans are enough. and that picture of the Mongol leader....I would say it is the Japanese leader because that building (Pagoda) in the background is Japanese architecture...not Mongol. Plus the guy himself does not look like Genghis looks like a Medieval Japanese Samurai. The Mongol background would probably have a wasteland with several tents or something...not a Japanese castle.

    ALSO..where are the picture of the leaders for Rome and Egypt everyone is talking about? Can't find em!


    • #32
      Yeah, let's be those naked people on Easter Island like that movie Rapa Nui.
      Mother ****ing goddamn ass chewing, **** sucking son of a *****


      • #33
        Originally posted by ancient
        yet every one ignores my post arabs are in civ2!
        Only if you replace another civ with them.
        Creator of the Civ3MultiTool


        • #34
          The Confederate South may have lost their bid for national independence, but they were a major 250+year old civ in the Americas, distinct from the Yankee North (Americans). I think they ought to be included
          I think Americans covers that perfectly fine...they most certainly were not as big a player in the development of world civilization than any other civ in the vote...

          Originally posted by Andreiguy
          Israel has been around for a whopping 52 years. How about not.

          Uh, try 3500 years. They [Israel] are both an Ancient and Modern civ, with great civilizational influence. They should be included.
          Sorry 'bout that, I thought "Hebrews" would be better...Israel was definetaly a influential civ, but it wasn't called Israel, and it lost its land several times.

          We want the Arabs! (they would be a good enemy for the Hebrews if they're included)

          Personally, I don't know why the Arabs weren't included previously, they're one of the most influential civs of all time!


          • #35
            Originally posted by Andreiguy

            Israel was definetaly a influential civ, but it wasn't called Israel
            Actually it is. The Jews were/are called Am Yi'srael all the time.

            But let's move this OT discussion to PM's if you want.
            "Beware of he who would deny you access to information, for in his heart he dreams himself your master" - Commissioner Pravin Lal.


            • #36
              There are many civs that have come and gone over the last 5,000 years. There are many ancient ones that few people have ever heard of have been wiped from the earth. No matter which ones they put in the game, someone will not be happy with it. I think it would be cool to see a city revolt and become an America or Mexico instead of starting out with them as a selection. Or maybe an evolution option so that Roman could become Italian after a change in government types.
              Battles are won and lost, long before the first round is fired, by logisticians. Amateurs study tactics, generals study logistics.
              - Erwin Rommel


              • #37
                I like civilizations with cities and leaders I have never heard of before and/or can't pronounce.

                Inuit (specializes in polar starts)
                Tibetan (mountain starts)
                Incans (already in Civ II)
                Hopi (a super perfectionist Civ)
                Hawaiians (island starts)

                Doesn't anybody else want to see 25 Hawaiian cities?


                • #38
                  Originally posted by Czar Szychowski
                  11.) Vikings - Canute
                  We have already debated the vikings somewhat and this reminds me of another irritation about that from civ2, the name Canute. I'm not sure if that is the name used in english litterature about the vikings but it really annoys me. I can't imagine how they managed to change Knut to Canute. Could as well change it to Harald or any other viking king instead of using Canute.


                  • #39
                    Originally posted by Grigor
                    Doesn't anybody else want to see 25 Hawaiian cities?
                    I do! But I just assumed they would be part of the Polynesian Civ.
                    My most wanted Civ III civ which was missing from Civ II: the ARABS!


                    • #40
                      If you like the arabs so much, edit the babylonians into arabs and play. I didn't know that everybody loved them so much.
                      'We note that your primitive civil-^
                      ization has not even discovered^
                      $RPLC1. Do you care^
                      to exchange knowledge with us?'^
                      _'No, we do not need $RPLC1.'^
                      _'OK, let's exchange knowledge.'


                      • #41
                        Originally posted by Czar Szychowski
                        31.) Mali - NO IDEA OF LEADER - It would be nice to have another African Civilization. Not many people realize the greatness of this trading empire, which flourished (After Islam spread to it) in the 14th century from its capital of the greatest cities in Africa during its peak.
                        Your leader would be Sundiata Keita (aka Sogolon-Djata), the Mandinka warrior-king who united a weak and scattered people and ushered in a glorious period of peace and prosperity.


                        • #42
                          Why has the ZULUS been included in every civ game???? What have they done to deserve this honour? OK, maybe they made some mess down in South Africa in the 1800s, but that's it. And their capital in the games, Zimbabwe - was that even a Zulu city? I'm pretty sure it wasn't, but correct me if I'm wrong.

                          I suspect they've been included to be "the" Sub-Saharan civ. But in my opinion there are many better alternatives:

                          - The Mali
                          - The Ethiopians
                          - The Swahilis. Check out this link:

                          And as long as the Americans are in, we might as well throw in the BOERS


                          • #43
                            Dude, the Zulus had that sweet moive made about them. Zulu dawn. Plus I saw them in a Jackie Chan movie last night and they kicked ass.
                            Mother ****ing goddamn ass chewing, **** sucking son of a *****


                            • #44
                              I don't see what the big problem a lot of you people have with the American Civ, the American nation has lasted longer and with more international influence then a lot of the Civs already in the game, namely Napolean's empire, Communist China, Communist Russia (if Stalin is leader), Ghandi only lived 50 years ago, prior to that India was just a British colony. And if longevity is a major question, why then would Alexander's or Genghis Khan's empires be in the game? They collapsed into smaller entities following those individuals death. Enough with the US bashing, the Americans are the reasons why the internet and personal computers even exist and we're not waiting for their invention 10 years from now, give a people their due.


                              • #45
                                Originally posted by Gangerolf
                                And as long as the Americans are in, we might as well throw in the BOERS
                                I don't see what the big problem a lot of you people have with the American Civ
                                It wasn't my intention to bash the Americans - as one of the greatest powers EVER, it would be strange if they weren't included in the civ games.
                                My point was that both the Americans and the Boers (or Afrikaaners) are post-colonial nations, the Americans (at least the eastcoast) being a former English colony and the Boers being the descendants of the Dutch Cape Colony.


