You would be right, sir. I play on huge-large maps. I recently started playing at monarch level. I always play with max players.
I'v had a run of bad luck lately in the start out. Mainly the poor placement of my first settler. Often on the very edge, instead of the center of a continent and/or favorable terrain. This ruins my strategy, since it forces me to spread in one direction. And trust me..that 30 tile distance dosen't seem like so much in those instances, when I have settlers easily crossing that distance just to get to the expanding side...
Thanks for clarifying what I was doing, is called. btw.
Also, I recently rethought it out. One could say all the time spent moving the settlers into posistion is wasted, since they are not in city-form, produceing something. I don't know. I find that placeing city edge to city edge ultimately ends you up with a very small empire. Since the AI is just soo good at expanding, your borders run into theirs too soon.. ¬_¬ Hrmm..
I'v had a run of bad luck lately in the start out. Mainly the poor placement of my first settler. Often on the very edge, instead of the center of a continent and/or favorable terrain. This ruins my strategy, since it forces me to spread in one direction. And trust me..that 30 tile distance dosen't seem like so much in those instances, when I have settlers easily crossing that distance just to get to the expanding side...
Thanks for clarifying what I was doing, is called. btw.
Also, I recently rethought it out. One could say all the time spent moving the settlers into posistion is wasted, since they are not in city-form, produceing something. I don't know. I find that placeing city edge to city edge ultimately ends you up with a very small empire. Since the AI is just soo good at expanding, your borders run into theirs too soon.. ¬_¬ Hrmm..
