I would like to suggest a government type:
Name: ?
Units supported: all free
Suffers from peace weariness, excessive turns spent completely at peace results in % chance to anarchy,
when the civs have no one to direct their aggression toward the government loses its grip on the peoples hearts
Happy faces generated as some multiplication of #of civs at war with, similar to # of luxuries = greater bonus than 1:1 when you have more
corruption minimal, units highly productive (unless at peace)
Obviously the current editor doesnt allow the creation of such a government. Perhaps, this or some version of this would be on some of the readers wish lists?
Name: ?
Units supported: all free
Suffers from peace weariness, excessive turns spent completely at peace results in % chance to anarchy,
when the civs have no one to direct their aggression toward the government loses its grip on the peoples hearts
Happy faces generated as some multiplication of #of civs at war with, similar to # of luxuries = greater bonus than 1:1 when you have more
corruption minimal, units highly productive (unless at peace)
Obviously the current editor doesnt allow the creation of such a government. Perhaps, this or some version of this would be on some of the readers wish lists?