Keeping Lurkers informed and Regulars entertained since 3700 BC------------March 17, 3700 BC.
People form Government!
Leaders promise many changes.

OctavianX, conmcb25, and Togas were chosen earlier this week to lead the mighty people of Apolyton into a new era. Claiming that they had been visited by the gods and instructed to impart many changes to the lives of the people, including a halt to such long founded traditions as our nomadic lifestyle.
First among the many changes they had planned was appointing Beta as "Foreign Affairs Minister".
"All I know is that I get to sit around here and sleep most the day while the rest of you guys go out and gather the food now. I mean, conmcb25 was muttering something about me being in charge of keeping tabs on 'other' nations and negotiations, but I am pretty sure they just ate some bad berries that day or something. Hell, as long as they don't notice I don't have anything to do, though, I'm fine with it."
Kloreep's appointment to "Vice Consul" was the next change in store.
"Me? Well, so far my job has been making sure the consul's are happy. They want a few berries? I make sure they get em. I'm told that should one of them become unavailable, though, I'll be in charge." Upon saying this, Kloreep stumbled, dropping 2 baskets of berries, muttering under his breath "Damn...which ones were the poisonous ones again?"
Paddy the Scot was next in line to be 'promoted' to the government as the Minister of the Interior.
"What is it? Well, I will be overseeing the developement of all our cities. What do you mean, what's a city? It's where the gods told these guys to make us live, of course, how should I know?"
Finally, Uber Krux was appointed as Minister of Defense.
"My job? My job is to defend our peoples against the many threats to our daily lives! Danger that lurks behind every tree, around every bend! I'm telling you, SEE, there! The enemy!" Uber bounds off into the brush after what appears to be a rabbit...
With such leadership, Apolyton is sure to thrive in the ensuing changes.
- UnOrthOdOx

Welcome to the Grapevine, each edition we will be presenting the most recent letters and rumors here in this section. But, remember, you heard it through THE GRAPEVINE.
Aidun sniffing fumes? Bad Drink? Work of the Gods?
YOU decide
The Oracle of Apolloton has been constructed within the city and many proceed to get their daily dose of wisdom from Aidun who claims to be speaking on behalf of Apollo himself. Grapevine reporter MrWhereItsAt was sent to seek out the truth behind this supposed communion. Unfortunately, WIA is now being tended to by the local healers. Before slipping into unconsciousness, he reported a strange smell permeating The Oracle as he slipped by the guards to see for himself what was inside. This smell was nearly immediately followed by dizziness and what WIA claimed to be 'fuzzy vision'.
Aidun claims that this is further proof that only HE is allowed to commune with Apollo, as it is clear that WIA has been struck down by the gods for his desicration of the temple. Meanwhile, many witnessed the generous amounts of that newly discovered drink known as wine that WIA had been 'sampling' on the night before, and many have reported similar symptoms after consuming large quantities.
- UnOrthOdOx
They call it "pottery"
Eating off of dirt?
The Grapevine paid a visit to our local scientist to see what new wonders they would be unleashing soon.
Reporter: Hello, The Grapevine here, can you tell us what you guys are working on?
E_T:Grapevine? Never heard of it. Sounds like one of UnO's ideas...
Reporter: Why, yes, it is. It's going to be a new section of The Messenger.
E_T: Well then, come right in. This is what we are going to be calling pottery!
E_T leads us into a large cave where there are several workers digging into the floor.
Reporter: Uh...you mean the dirt there?
E_T: That's not dirt, it's clay! With a little water added in, you can shape it into extraordinary items such as pots or glasses, or even dishes.
Reporter: So....it's mud then?
E_T: No, I told you, it's clay. We dig it up, wet it, shape it, then throw it in a fire. The fire dries it.
Reporter: So, it becomes dirt again when it dries?
E_T: No, it becomes whatever we shape it into, see?

E_T: Well, obviously we need a little practice, but you could drink right out of that there, watch!
E_T reaches for the...whatever...and it crumbles in his hands.
E_T: Hmm, must need a bigger fire....
Reporter: See, told you it became dirt again.
- UnOrthOdOx
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