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Short Civ3 games

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  • Short Civ3 games

    I was thinking about some epic games again. I no longer like games that require over 1 day of playing time to complete. Once I take a break from a game to civ3 I never seem to go back to it. I have several unfinished games right now.

    I normally don't like tiny maps, but I guess I'll try one. Maybe with the accel production on as well. The thing about accel. production is it really narrows the window for military units. You don't have much time to use units before they become obsolete. Conquering the world with those horseman and swordsmen you conquered your first civilization with isn't going to work. But that might be a good thing. Also it screws up the years. It just doesnt' feel right to have tanks rolling around in 1000 AD or something like that .

    Any other ways to speed up the game?

  • #2
    Never tried a tiny map and I am not even sure it will shorten the game all that much. I doubt it can be made into a 1 day game.


    • #3
      Re: Short Civ3 games

      Originally posted by Dissident

      Any other ways to speed up the game?
      If you have Conquests, try using Victory Points. You can assign any amount you like, up to 1 million, and the game ends as soon as any civ reaches that amount. And there's various ways of acquiring these point and different values you can give to them.


      • #4
        tiny map +accel prod + 31 civs = fun game that is quite enjoyable and difficult and quick.


        • #5
          6 hours and 9 minutes this game lasted. I could have done it in less time, but I was trying to go for a space victory. But this cheating AI really annoyed me. I ended up doing a domination victory.

          I guess the default is 4 civs on tiny map? As that is what I had. 2 on each major continent. I have never dominated a game as easily as I have this one. And usually Regent gives me at least a little bit of challenge. But this was pathetically easy. I guess the accel. production and tiny map works for the human advantage.

          I was fairly hemmed in, and didn't have a great starting position (other than starting on the large continent which was nice). I had no fresh water, no great resources, just a couple luxeries such as ivory and tobacco. But I did have horses to build war chariots (I was the Egptians for a change). And that is what I used to wipe out my neighbor.

          I had a huge tech lead after that, but magically the other civs caught up with me and started stealing my wonders I was building . I got pissed and decided to wipe them out and take those wonders for myself.

          Overall I had fun. I'll probably do this again. I just don't have the patiences for late industrial age or modern age epic games. I do kind of miss some of those units. I'll just have to play scenarios to play with aircraft and advanced navies.

          I'll even show you a screenie. Although it seems too large. Let me see if I can get it under 50000 bytes.


          • #6
            let me try this again. This is the zoomed out view down to 600 X 400.
            Attached Files


            • #7
              good game. I've seen many people comment that accel prod benefits the human much more than the ai.

              try going into the editor and allowing more civs on the tiny map. fun stuff


              • #8
                yeah I'll do that. Although 32 might be a bit of overkill


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Dissident
                  yeah I'll do that. Although 32 might be a bit of overkill
                  31, but yes. each civ might get 2 cities each on pangea. the key of course is starting next to iron. without that, its really tough. really tough, unless you are say iroquois and have horses.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by asleepathewheel
                    try going into the editor and allowing more civs on the tiny map. fun stuff
                    what do you change the tech rate to in the world sizes for 31 civs?


                    • #11
                      If you go into the editor does that make it so your games do not show up in the HOF?

                      And if you go into the editor, do you have to play as a scenario? I have never messed around with the editor much in this gam. Although I used to do it all the time in Civ2.

                      I played another game last night on a higher difficulty level. I didn't have much success . I was in second place in tech (although first in points strangely), and far behind in tech.

                      And I forgot to save the game before I did something stupid .

                      But I fell behind because I took too long eradicating my neigbor. I played as the Iroquios. But I did not have access to horses. In fact I had a really, really bad starting position. I had to move 2 squares to build my first city- and I still had nothing but wines in my city radius with no access to water. But I did manage to get some iron next to a volcano. I used swordsment to eradicate my neigbor. But the volcano kept erupting knocking out the road to my iron .

                      How many times to those volcanos erupt?

                      In any case I couldn't trigger a golden age. I tried doing it in late game, but I was unable to kill any infantry with the mounted warriors.


                      • #12
                        Yes if you make a map with the editor it can show up in the Hof as long as you use std rules.

                        Yes the are considere scnearios. In C3C I think they load as civ-Content.

                        No horses with a horse UU, now that is mean. Maybe you could use arties to drop the infantry down to 1 HP and then kill it with a MW. It may still be hard to kill it though.


                        • #13
                          If you have Conquests, try the Quick Civ scenario in Civ-Content. It has half priced buildings and tech with extra food per tile. Played with accelerated production on it usually ends up to be a 3-4 hour game. Also, the game is limited to 135 turns. Because of the accelerated nature of the game usually there will be 1-2 major AIs to give you some good competition near the end.
                          "The greatest happiness of life is the conviction that we are loved - loved for ourselves, or rather, loved in spite of ourselves."--Victor Hugo


                          • #14
                            i like loooong and boring games.
                            I watched you fall. I think I pushed.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by asleepathewheel
                              tiny map +accel prod + 31 civs = fun game that is quite enjoyable and difficult and quick.
                              What victory conditions do you make available?

