I am fairly new to CIVIII experience and I have a question about the AI. I am playing C3C Patch 1.15 and after six games at Cheiften - Regent levels I noticed that AI never engages in war with other AI civs. Seems they reserve that honor only for me in which they all gang up on me. Is this what I should expect in all my games?
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AI War policies
They will go after each other if the conditions are right. Namely they need to expand or want a resource and their neighbor has it and won't give it.
This may not occur at the lowest levels as the AI is handicapped a bit and does a poor job of expanding.
Look at the replay and you can see if they ever actually went to war.
Just wait until the discovery and distribution of nationalism. Once the AI civs start signing mutual protection pacts then the world wars will start. In my current game (AU501 see my sig for the link) the fortunes of war have been changing on and off so fast that I can't even keep up with who is at war with each other on a given turn.
Yeah with MPP they will enter a never ending war. It will be one war that will sparkle the whole world and this will last until someone wins the game. No peace for the AI before that. From time to time the AI will come to ask and alliance or MPP you can go for the alliance but be aware that in the next 5 turns someone else will be trown at you. Don't enter MPP really you will end up entangled in to a magic circle out of which you will have troubles to leave.
No! BulMaster, you are wrong. As soon as you get Nationalism you should sign a MPP with Bismarck. This is certain to keep the rest of the game exciting.
But even before then you can run the show more actively. Trade techs to everyone as soon as you get them, if they don't have anything of value to you get them to enter a military alliance against a civ that is their neighbour but not yours. "Off course you can get Free Artistry free, all you have to do is attack Scandinavia."
Dunno lethe I play with 31 civs and can tell that entering in alliance against their neigbours, usualy brings my neighbours against me + many others that aren't my neighbours that usualy ?I treade with or the pay me huge amounts of money for having sold a tech. I tend to created an interdependant world, which might be wrong as most of the time my economy relies on the hundreds of gp/t that I receive for selling a resources.
Well after a weekend session at regent I am happy to report that all the AI's went to war. Definately increases my enjoyment of the game. I agree the MPP is the source of many wars. I found out that lesson the hard way. I wanted to keep all the AI's at war with the Indians ( the tech leader at the time ). Some of the AIs started making trade embargoes against me so I offered a MPP thinking that they would continue to war with the Indians. Well one turn later half my Allies became my enemies as my MPP partner decided to attack other civs. I had to scramble my defenses fast to avoid being outflanked by a previous ally. Ah the Joys of CIV!!
I found out that the gangups actually happen on civs that are the weakest!
when i try to play monarch or emperor, due to the extremely unfair starting areas (starting area being my whole possible city spread area) filled with jungles or desert, and having no important resources such as IRON! () which causes me to be hopeless at wars and overall power, all the other civs gang up on me no matter how far away i am and how useless my territory is to them!
i also found once playing on regent, with 3 AI civs on a large map, me and the carthagenians both picked on the greeks while they still havent got to musketeers and cavalry, and apparently destroyed them with iron units. greeks were always the weakest civ, and they got killed, so i think its either the civ easyest to kill or the civ that stands out (racism) that gets all the cr*p
I think you need to have an embassy with one of the 2 nations that would go to war in order to get the message that "X declared war on Y".
So they might have actually gone to war, without you having known it !In the beginning, Earth was without form and void... then my life changed forever.
Originally posted by Rogerdude
I think you need to have an embassy with one of the 2 nations that would go to war in order to get the message that "X declared war on Y".
So they might have actually gone to war, without you having known it !
I love when the AI goes to war.
I remember one game... I got over 3 MPP offers in one turn, then 2 MPP offers the next turn.
I kept out of the wars, then once I built over 500 tanks, I invaded.
Nuff said.Geniuses are ordinary people bestowed with the gift to see beyond common everyday perceptions.