Well, ever experienced to have everyone against one? I did in my current game. It wasn't my fault. Briefly: I'm the second economic power, military I suck, no wars during my entire existences. The year is 1260 AD, don't be fooled I'm at the end of the industrious era. Tree techs to go. I play on a huge earth with 31 civs on emp. So in that magic year, facist china had been terrorising the eastern world for the last 500 years or so. Having established a hegemony of indispute power and having destroyed mani cities before hand, has led to the city limit to be down, it was reached many centuries ago, so Me - Russia has managed to occupy only the european part of russia of today and the Balkans. Instabul has long falles to the russian Cossacks. So I send a settler to colonised the vast free territories in the east and find a sweet spot with ivory and spices to improve my self suffieciency. In that year fasict china declared war on my empire. Given that there are 22 other civs around us, all entangled in never ending wars since 1AD, I hat two choices either risk ching to trow the rest of the world well some of them at me or me trow them at china. Well I signed alliances against China with everyone, half of them were at war already. the others well they were quiete eager to go to war with me. An obsolete tech here no more than a lump sum of 20GP there and so on. It is good to mention that there are very few advanced countries, only me china and 5 more. The rest had barely entered the ind era. So at that time my IA was availible and I build it rather quickly. Factories and coal plants were everywhere. I mean I had 1/3 of china cities and have the bigges productivity. So since I had planted a spy i knew what China had. The problem was that well I needed ruber which was only in abundance in China and the trade we had only lasted for me to upgrade all my troops to infantry. In the first turns was a phoeny war. Suddenly at the old indian border on the easter shores of the sea, where one olf babylon city lies that I had conquered for the Dye around 40 Infantries showed up. China had ~280 of them - me only 30. My empire was RR everywhere so I quickly moved troops there. Mobilised and found that my Cossacks were completly inefective against the infantry, dunno maybe I had a bad seend for 15 turns or soemthing but around 40 of those died with lilling max 5 infantry and scratching the rest. Then again I saw the stupidity of the AI, whcih instead of conquering my two cities there was wandering around and taking the scratched troops to China. Somehow my two cities were intact, democracy was unstable as war weariness was high. Still the anarchy would be around 7 turns so didn't ris to change gov. Instead I sold techs to some rich countries to get money and rush my cossacs, which every turn were dying and dying and such. The chinese troops used some RR that were in no territory and were at my border in Europe, with artilery i manged to chase the division that would have wrecked havock otherwise since most of my cities had no troops all was send to war. I couldnt atack with teh infantry had very few, did atack but China was maintaining her presence. I did manage to kill her cavalry my cossacks were better against them. In that very moment china was pissed and soon I had 100Infantry at my doorsteps. There were 8 turns left for some of the alliance to end, others were brocked two turns after the war. China managed to trow two countries at me but they were on anotehr continent. In the end I had no choice, cossacks inefective my so called allies were in wars between them, no troops came to help me but at least the didn't atack me. So i signed peace, made China pay 80GP thoug
. I'm buying rubber and oil and building my armies cause I had only cossacks and around 5 infantries, nothing else. So in that very turn I broke 20 alliances, the other two countris had broken them a couple of turns and were at war with me.
hehe So i betrayed the world!
Since i could produce a cossakc and inf in two turns in around 10 cities the next 6 turns i rebult my troops and unleashed my defeated wrath on my neighbours. Good to mention that only 5 countries have rubber,3 of which are in america and Im the 6th one but am buying from china again. So no one has infantries. My 9 bobmers that were bought wained bombs with my 20 remaining artilieries and I soon expanded. Now everyone is pissed it is 1320 I'm with 3 others am in the Modern era, gave free techs to everyone to catch up and the amazing thing was that in one turn China prduced 42 tanks :S that's all she has cause its running out of money, the infantry are down too, but WOW 42 in one turn in that same turn i had only 1
. So now am preparing for another war with China, first though have to find a way get rubber from Portugal, the only rubber for europe.
Anyway that's my story on when I betrayed the world. No alliances cost me huge amounts of money no longer the usual 10GP

Since i could produce a cossakc and inf in two turns in around 10 cities the next 6 turns i rebult my troops and unleashed my defeated wrath on my neighbours. Good to mention that only 5 countries have rubber,3 of which are in america and Im the 6th one but am buying from china again. So no one has infantries. My 9 bobmers that were bought wained bombs with my 20 remaining artilieries and I soon expanded. Now everyone is pissed it is 1320 I'm with 3 others am in the Modern era, gave free techs to everyone to catch up and the amazing thing was that in one turn China prduced 42 tanks :S that's all she has cause its running out of money, the infantry are down too, but WOW 42 in one turn in that same turn i had only 1

Anyway that's my story on when I betrayed the world. No alliances cost me huge amounts of money no longer the usual 10GP
