I dunno if this is a right forum to post this, but...
Here is a short list of things I find somewhat poorly implemented in Civ III interface which are (hopefully) should not require more than three lines of code to fix.
1. Domestic advisor/tile improvements. It is very common to replace some mines with irrigation after getting out of Despotism and I often assign more than one worker to do to the job faster. Each time I get a Domestic Advisor's "Are you sure" pop-up. This gets incredibly annoying once you get 30+ workers. Could the game only ask it once (ie no pop-up if there is at at least one worker ordered to change the current tile improvement). It works this way in SMAC, btw.
2. F1 screen. Could it show in red (or pink or whatever) cities that are about to go into civil disorder (as opposed to cities which are in disorder).
3. F1 screen. Could it add a line showing shields required/accumulated. Ie, Athens, Settler (2 turns, 22/30) instead of just 2 turns.
4. Maybe it is to much to ask but it would be nice to have the same info for techs in the civ status window. Ie, Pottery (4 turns, 48/60) instead of Pottery (4 turns).
5. End of the Golden Age - this is probably a bug rather than a feature - first turn after Golden Age ends shields/arrows are counted as if you are still in the Golden Age which messes up production orders a bit.
6. Foreign advisor blurbs when I call up someone on the Diplomacy screen. Most of them are redundant and could be safely scrapped. They go like...
- Xerxes is furious with us (redundant since it shows in the diplomacy window) ==> scrap
- Persians are unimpressed with our culture/Our people are impressed with Persian culture. This is the same thing - leave one of the two
- Persians say that we are backwards/Our people say that Persians are technologically advanced - again, scrap one of the two
- Persian army fears our warrior - yeah, whatever
, is this info useful in any way? ==> scrap
This would leave only three blurbs which are actually informative (relative culture status, technology status, and the army comparison) and will reduce clicking on the "more..." button.
Actually, if we also scrap the technology comparison (which is fairly obvious from the trading screen) than probably other pieces of information would fit on one window and there would be no need to scroll through foreign advisor blurbs at all.
[7] - this is more drastic, but given the importance of corruption management it would be nice if F1 screen had an extra column showing the distance of a given city from the capitol.
These are all (relatively) small things but imho they would go a long way towards streamlining the gameplay and reducing micromanagement.
Here is a short list of things I find somewhat poorly implemented in Civ III interface which are (hopefully) should not require more than three lines of code to fix.
1. Domestic advisor/tile improvements. It is very common to replace some mines with irrigation after getting out of Despotism and I often assign more than one worker to do to the job faster. Each time I get a Domestic Advisor's "Are you sure" pop-up. This gets incredibly annoying once you get 30+ workers. Could the game only ask it once (ie no pop-up if there is at at least one worker ordered to change the current tile improvement). It works this way in SMAC, btw.
2. F1 screen. Could it show in red (or pink or whatever) cities that are about to go into civil disorder (as opposed to cities which are in disorder).
3. F1 screen. Could it add a line showing shields required/accumulated. Ie, Athens, Settler (2 turns, 22/30) instead of just 2 turns.
4. Maybe it is to much to ask but it would be nice to have the same info for techs in the civ status window. Ie, Pottery (4 turns, 48/60) instead of Pottery (4 turns).
5. End of the Golden Age - this is probably a bug rather than a feature - first turn after Golden Age ends shields/arrows are counted as if you are still in the Golden Age which messes up production orders a bit.
6. Foreign advisor blurbs when I call up someone on the Diplomacy screen. Most of them are redundant and could be safely scrapped. They go like...
- Xerxes is furious with us (redundant since it shows in the diplomacy window) ==> scrap
- Persians are unimpressed with our culture/Our people are impressed with Persian culture. This is the same thing - leave one of the two
- Persians say that we are backwards/Our people say that Persians are technologically advanced - again, scrap one of the two
- Persian army fears our warrior - yeah, whatever

This would leave only three blurbs which are actually informative (relative culture status, technology status, and the army comparison) and will reduce clicking on the "more..." button.
Actually, if we also scrap the technology comparison (which is fairly obvious from the trading screen) than probably other pieces of information would fit on one window and there would be no need to scroll through foreign advisor blurbs at all.
[7] - this is more drastic, but given the importance of corruption management it would be nice if F1 screen had an extra column showing the distance of a given city from the capitol.
These are all (relatively) small things but imho they would go a long way towards streamlining the gameplay and reducing micromanagement.