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Score Confusion

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  • Score Confusion

    Can someone explain this one?!

    On Monarch level, as the Koreans, I am create an astoundingly peaceful, prosperous and scientifically dominant empire that captures close to a dozen cities through culture alone. I have 1 war, that I did not start, that lasted 80 years. I had over a dozen wonders, all of which I built myself. I won a Space Race Victory in the mid 20th century, and reached the end of the tech tree. I forget my ending title, but it was relatively high. End score: 2,000.

    On Monarch level, as the Vikings, just horsing around making myself a nuisance to other civs, I wind up in numerous hopeless wars, but with Beserker units manage to surprise many enemy cities, invade them, sack them and leave them (ruined). I am soundly and embarrasingly defeated, totally outclassed scientifically, and am rated "Pathetic." Final score 8,000.

    Am I the only one that sees in Civ3, crime pays??

  • #2
    Size of the map and difficulty level are factors in the score. The time is an inverse factor, in that winning sooner scores better.

    8,000 seems high for losing though at any level.


    • #3
      First a caveate, I don't pay attention to score. I have very little to NO interest in score and generally ignore it the entire game. The only time I even look at the Victory Conditions screen is to check relative Power/Culture and sometimes Land/Pop.

      Having said that, I think that score is increased by battles. Especially early battles will tend to boost scores. Perhaps someone could clarify the whole Scoring process in greater detail (because I don't care enough about it to check it out.)

      If you achieve ANY of the Victory Conditions, you will have the highest Score in the game. If you don't, you won't. Unless, I guess, you play-out to the year 2050 and then Victory is decided on Score. If that is the case, I think one could improve one's playstyle to either win or lose long before that time.

      "...Every Right implies a certain Responsibility; Every Opportunity, an Obligation; Every Possession, a Duty." --J.D. Rockerfeller, Jr.


      • #4
        I've been wondering how the score is derived also. I know that you get so many points for happy people, content people, etc, and there is a bonus for the earlier you finish a game. The difficulty level is also a multiplier. They used too (CIVII) give bonuses for being at peace, this doesn't seem to be the case in CIVIII though.

        The highest scores I've gotten are with the Persians, only because with Immortals I was able to conquer the world in the BC.


        • #5
          This is what I have for CivIII.

          Everything is multiplied by the difficulty factor. 1-6, Chieftain-Deity.

          Population consists of 1 point for every specialist or content citizen in your civ, and 2 points for every happy citizen. This score is multiplied by Difficulty.

          Territory is 1 point for every tile within your cultural borders. This score is multiplied by Difficulty.

          Future technology I'm not sure on, but it's something like 50 points per each. This score is multiplied by Difficulty. I think this is a one time only deal as well, either that or it's significantly lower than 50 points. The most tech score I've ever gotten was 17.7 points with 26 future techs on Deity, so basically it's a non-factor anyways.

          Adding Population + Territory + Technology up gives you your turn score. Adding up every turn score and then dividing by the number of turns played yeilds the base score. Then the bonus is added.

          The bonus is simply by date, the formala is (2050 - Date) * Difficulty. It is awarded for any victory condition.

          So you can se that happiness is valuable, but you can't wait to the end to crank it up.


          • #6
            Territory is 1 point for every tile within your cultural borders. This score is multiplied by Difficulty.
            You sure about this? I've played many games where I've secured almost every map tile under my culture. Which (by the above) would yield thousands of points(which I did not get).


            • #7
              Am I sure, no, but yes it is quite possible to get 30-50 thousand points. Go see CFC hall of fame.


              • #8
                vmxa1's rundown of score is right.

                I've played many games where I've secured almost every map tile under my culture. Which (by the above) would yield thousands of points(which I did not get).
                Remember that you have a lot of turns before getting to that point, and your score will be the average of all those turns.


                • #9
                  Whew, glad to hear that.

                  Yeah it is the averaging of the turns that kills the score. It works well to go out to 540 turns if you are getting value added.


                  • #10
                    Thanks for all the responses!

                    I wonder if I scored high b/c I ended so early or b/c you get massive points for sacking enemy cities or something. I really didn't have a very large territory at all, and maybe only 5 cities throughout the whole game. I did excel at Viking behavior though, surprising enemy cities and amphibiously decimating them and moving on

