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Diplomacy Screen Problem

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  • Diplomacy Screen Problem

    Hi guys, I just started playing this game again, and I have a problem...

    I am currently in a war with the English (they declared on me after I refused to give them Monarchy). The problem is, they're not on my diplomacy screen! All I can talk to are the French, Zulus, and Aztecs.... no English. I took three cities already, and I want to get on with it by declaring peace with them, but I can't!

    What can I do?

  • #2
    weird... have your tried to contact them via one of their units? right-click on one of them and choose the option "contact english" or something like that.
    I watched you fall. I think I pushed.


    • #3
      Hmmm, I'll try that, but it's very weird, I think I even had them on the screen at one point, but they disappeared.

      They have contacts with the French and Zulus too, and I can't trade with them for it, so clearly, I'm supposed to get it, except I don't.


      • #4
        I'm not to sure why that would happen.

        Did it say that the English just didn't want to acknowledge you. Or is it just not at the selection for diplomacy?


        • #5
          If you're playing with more than 8 civs, the "extra" ones won't appear in the diplomacy screen. You can swap visible civs by shift right-clicking on one of the portraits and choosing a new civ from the menu.


          • #6
            If you have PTW or C3C you should see a tab for more civs to select one of the others to swap with.


            • #7
              Also try the little 'd' on the info panel - it'll offer you talks with any civs, in the form of 'button - name'
              It's all my territory really, they just squat on it...!
              She didn't declare war on me, she's just playing 'hard to get'...


              • #8
                You can also dbl-clk on an English unit and select, "Take me to your Leader."

                If on the Diplomacy screen (F4), hold down the Shift key and right-click on any leader, you should be given the option of selecting another civ. Only 8 heads will show at one time.

                If checking Diplomacy from the Info Pannel, (the little "D" to the right), all civs should show-up on that list.

                "...Every Right implies a certain Responsibility; Every Opportunity, an Obligation; Every Possession, a Duty." --J.D. Rockerfeller, Jr.


                • #9
                  I had the same problem on a small map with only 5 civs. The Zulus never appeared on the diplomacy screen. So when I needed to talk to them I had to right click one of his units. Since they were on the opposite side of the map I have to leave a unit in his territory.

                  I thought it was a glitch with my computer. I have not seen it since.


                  • #10
                    What version of the game was this, MarshalN? And have you installed the Beta patch for C3C if it is C3C? This may be a bug to report.

                    Back to the ROOTS of addiction. My first missed poll!

