As a result of following this thread I decided to dabble with propaganda again.
Its modern times and several civs have been at war with several others for quite some time, including my civ the Arabs. My people are estatically happy as they have all 8 lux and most cities have all culture?happiness improvements etc. The Dutch are second in score and very wealthy. I have several lucrative deals with them supplying lux and resources.
The Zulu have been wiped out and several civ hold their former cities, but the Dutch fell into anarchy either due to WW or change of gov not sure.
I spotted this on the mil advisor screen and thought hmm.
I managed to take 3 former Zulu cities with my spy easily, though a 4th Swazi wont flip at the moment. Im cutting roads to Swazi and will try again if they are still in anarchy in a few turns. A fourth city, forget its name for now but right on the edge of the Dutch main core, size 2 I think, also flipped for 157 gold
This fourth city is a great prize as I can garrison it to the brink via airports and apply even more pressure if I wish. I do have rop with them so it would have to finish before any war but at the moment my culture seems to be enough to pinch and trim their empire.
The key reasons why this has worked are my superior culture and all 8 luxeries, (dont know if the fact that I have supplied most of their lux throughout the game has any effect) my superior size? there state of anarchy. I expected success with the former Zulu towns but the Dutch one was a most pleasent surprise.
Its modern times and several civs have been at war with several others for quite some time, including my civ the Arabs. My people are estatically happy as they have all 8 lux and most cities have all culture?happiness improvements etc. The Dutch are second in score and very wealthy. I have several lucrative deals with them supplying lux and resources.
The Zulu have been wiped out and several civ hold their former cities, but the Dutch fell into anarchy either due to WW or change of gov not sure.
I spotted this on the mil advisor screen and thought hmm.
I managed to take 3 former Zulu cities with my spy easily, though a 4th Swazi wont flip at the moment. Im cutting roads to Swazi and will try again if they are still in anarchy in a few turns. A fourth city, forget its name for now but right on the edge of the Dutch main core, size 2 I think, also flipped for 157 gold

This fourth city is a great prize as I can garrison it to the brink via airports and apply even more pressure if I wish. I do have rop with them so it would have to finish before any war but at the moment my culture seems to be enough to pinch and trim their empire.
The key reasons why this has worked are my superior culture and all 8 luxeries, (dont know if the fact that I have supplied most of their lux throughout the game has any effect) my superior size? there state of anarchy. I expected success with the former Zulu towns but the Dutch one was a most pleasent surprise.