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Increasing 'huge' map size limit?

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  • Increasing 'huge' map size limit?

    Is there a way, if you were insane enough, to play on maps that were bigger than 256x256? Say 520x520 or even double that? This is in C3C is it matters.


  • #2
    The theoretical limit is a size where the maximum WIDTH*HEIGHT=131072 (65536 TILES)
    The editor addresses this limit in a bad way by seting the limit to 362x362 which is the largest square map that is allowed by the system. Howver, with the limits set in the editor you can not make a larger rectangualr map even thou the game would (probably) handle it without any problem.

    I think that limits more in line with the Civ2 mapsize limit (I.e no dimmension can be less then 16 or larger than 1024 and the product of the two dimensions must be less than or equal to 131072)

    So to answer uor question the maximum possible mapsize is currently 362x362
    Creator of the Civ3MultiTool


    • #3
      When I played AC, I liked to enter the maximum map size that wouldn't get me a message warning about the game possibly "hanging."

      I believe this is the problem with the Imperialism - 1903 scenario that causes such long configuration times; the map is bigger than huge.
      One OS to rule them all,
      One OS to find them,
      One OS to bring them all
      and in the darkness bind them.


      • #4
        Remember the limit on the number of cities. So if you have a 362x362 map you are stuck with the same city limit as a std huge map.
        This means lots of tiles that can never be worked. Not to mention the game will be bogged down late in the game.


        • #5
          Gosh...just thinking about managing all those workers...
          Haven't been here for ages....


          • #6
            and check animate moves off
            daddy daddy, look i'm playing american facist and i'm nuking babylon


            • #7
              automate blows - they never really do what you want.

              If I automate pollution clean up, and the workers finish cleaning pollution, they switch off that assignment. When pollution shows up again in the next turn, I must reassign. Bah!
              Haven't been here for ages....


              • #8
                when you get out to about 450 cities, each time the settler tries to build one, it will take about 4 or 5 mins on 3GH system. It did on mine with 24 civs and 250x250.

