I can remember this issue being raised back when Civ III first hit the shelves. The consensus then was likely the same as it is now--nukes are underpowered, and their usage--especially their over usage--has little or no negative ramifications.
It's a part of the game I would love to see fleshed out in a potential future X-pack(assuming there is one).
My argument from the very beggining is that the actual impact of the nuclear weapon should devestate the city or area being hit. Cities should lose a significant amount of their citizens and buildings/wonders. A wide area around ground zero--say at least 10 squares out--should be covered in fallout.
And that fallout should be different than pollution. I would represent it by the death's head symbol used to signify pollution in Civ 2. The fallout should take an incredible amount of time to clean up, even for multiple workers focusing on one square. And units standing on fallout squares at the end of the turn should have a percentage chance of dying from radiation sickness (similar to disease on jungle/flood plain/marsh squares, but with fallout having a much higher chance of being lethal.)
Just what I would like to see. Probably won't or can't happen.
It's a part of the game I would love to see fleshed out in a potential future X-pack(assuming there is one).
My argument from the very beggining is that the actual impact of the nuclear weapon should devestate the city or area being hit. Cities should lose a significant amount of their citizens and buildings/wonders. A wide area around ground zero--say at least 10 squares out--should be covered in fallout.
And that fallout should be different than pollution. I would represent it by the death's head symbol used to signify pollution in Civ 2. The fallout should take an incredible amount of time to clean up, even for multiple workers focusing on one square. And units standing on fallout squares at the end of the turn should have a percentage chance of dying from radiation sickness (similar to disease on jungle/flood plain/marsh squares, but with fallout having a much higher chance of being lethal.)
Just what I would like to see. Probably won't or can't happen.