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  • Conquests


    I have a few questions (which possibly already has got answers in this forum):

    1. Does Conquests include everything in Play the World (or do I have to buy both if I want everything)?
    2. If the answer is no, can I buy both in the same package?
    3. When does Conquests ship to Sweden, and what will the price be (not necessarily in kronor... dollars or pounds works just as fine.)

    I would be happy if someone took some time and answered these questions.


  • #2
    you do not need to buy Play the world. all the features from it are included in conquests. Sweden will have c3c on the 14th but i am not quite sure the cost in kronors but it is 30 U.S. dollars. Hope this helps.
    "I came, I saw, and.....then I went home."


    • #3
      Thanks for the information!
      It seems like the distributors are faster now than when the original (Civ 3) shipped. I may be wrong, but I think that it took almost a month until the game came to Europe (except Great Britain) that time.
      30 dollars is approximately 240 kronor, not that it matters anyway...


      • #4
        no problem, this game looks to be a lot fun. I cant wait to get my hands on a copy. Everywhere i called yesterday told me the same thing: "its being shipped today, check back tomorrow" very upsetting but today very exciting!
        "I came, I saw, and.....then I went home."

