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Border Incidents: Getting the AIs to Respect Your Territory

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  • Border Incidents: Getting the AIs to Respect Your Territory

    It is well known that AI units love to violate the territorial integrity of the human player. Ground units, and especially ships love to pass through our turf with no regard for the colors on the map.

    To deal with these infractions I propose that when one or more units of Civ A end their turn inside the territory of Civ B, Civ B should be permitted (without declaring war) to attack one Civ A unit in its territory per turn. This one unit can be attacked multiple times (in case the first attack fails).

    In terms of realism this idea holds up given that limited border incidents usually don't start wars. In terms of gameplay this idea holds up given that it will be fun to blow away AI units while at peace.

    "It takes you years to learn how to play like yourself." Miles Davis

  • #2
    i agree, the AI really shows no repsect of borders especially whwn you in a government that will be affected by war weariness.

    good suggestion hope they take it all on board
    GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71


    • #3
      I like the way such things were handled in CTP2: you could expel any unit from another nation which would invade your territory, there was an "expel" command that didn't mean you would fight a battle, and the offending unit was automatically removed to out of your borders. Of course, using the expel command meant that the other nation would not like you very much, but that not meant necessarily a declaration of war.
      I watched you fall. I think I pushed.


      • #4
        i hate how the ai has no respect for borders, that would be a great idea with the one unit combat and all.
        "I came, I saw, and.....then I went home."


        • #5
          They show the exact same respect for my borders as I do for theirs. I walk all over their terrritory and only leave if they expel me or cause a war over it (they usually bluff).

          You can tell them to leave. They might even do it. You do have to be willing to start a war over it though.
          Seemingly Benign
          Download Watercolor Terrain - New Conquests Watercolor Terrain


          • #6
            It would certainly be a nice alternative to blocking, anyhow. Always had to try to imagine the conversations between the three warriors and the settler.

            Settler: "Hello three warriors, I'm just a-passin through this land to create an annoying settlement in a gap on the other side of your civ's territory."
            Three Warriors: "Hello settler. You can't go through here. Find another way."
            Settler: "Okeedokee."
            (40 years later)
            Settler: "Hey! Aren't you the same three warriors I saw 1 mean 200 kilometres to the northeast!"
            Three Warriors: "! That is...what, I guess we all look the *same* to your culture group, huh!? Find another way around!"
            Settler: "Okeedokee."
            (repeat for next 3 centuries)

            I'm not too sure about attacking them, necessarily, but it would be cool if units in your territory from civs you were at peace with (and had no ROP with) could be culturally converted. Or at the very least non-military units, anyhow. Sending a settler or worker on a shortcut through your territory might seem suddenly unappealing to the AI.
            Last edited by GRM7584; November 2, 2003, 12:42.


            • #7
              The problem with an expel is that the unit may be advanced towards its intend location. I don't mean in CTP, asking to leave works that way now.
              If you are percieved as strong, they will not send settler combos through you land. They will send troops through to get at another civ, regardless.

              I like the idea of being able to have border conflicts, with no war. It happens all the time, airlines are shot down and war is not declared.


              • #8
                Border scuffles would be
                A proud member of the "Apolyton Story Writers Guild".There are many great stories at the Civ 3 stories forum, do yourself a favour and visit the forum. Lose yourself in one of many epic tales and be inspired to write yourself, as I was.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by GRM7584
                  It would certainly be a nice alternative to blocking, anyhow. Always had to try to imagine the conversations between the three warriors and the settler.

                  Settler: "Hello three warriors, I'm just a-passin through this land to create an annoying settlement in a gap on the other side of your civ's territory."
                  Three Warriors: "Hello settler. You can't go through here. Find another way."
                  Settler: "Okeedokee."
                  (40 years later)
                  Settler: "Hey! Aren't you the same three warriors I saw 1 mean 200 kilometres to the northeast!"
                  Three Warriors: "! That is...what, I guess we all look the *same* to your culture group, huh!? Find another way around!"
                  Settler: "Okeedokee."
                  (repeat for next 3 centuries)
                  heh, heh... I like this little interchange!

                  You could improve this little skit by having one of those warriors club the settler. I like the animation when they die
                  Haven't been here for ages....


                  • #10
                    forgot to stay on topic

                    Yes, I like the idea of border incidents. Remember in the mid '80s when the US sailed a small battlefleet into the ocean squares claimed by Libya? We shot down two of their fighter jets in the incident - but no war...

                    I guess we didn't respect their cultural/political boundary!
                    Haven't been here for ages....


                    • #11
                      I alway thought the AI was stupid not to capitalized on my extensive road network and humor myself as they take two hundred years to cross my territory.


                      • #12
                        Civs can only use your roads and rails if they have an RoP.


                        • #13
                          The AI's desire to cross one's territory seems rather easy to see through IMO.

                          1) they want to settle on an empty spot.

                          2) they want to attack an enemy that lies behind your empire.

                          I have no huge problem with wandering units, but it can get nasty when the civ in question sends a true horde of units over the borders- creating a hazardous situation for myself (sneak attack!).

                          What I usually do is to take a handful of units and block off a strip of land. If this virtual unit-border cuts off the AI from it's 'desire' (see 1 and 2), it will abandon its foolish plans and retreat, presumably with the fantasy of loading their triremes aka caravels etc instead.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Alex
                            I like the way such things were handled in CTP2: you could expel any unit from another nation which would invade your territory, there was an "expel" command that didn't mean you would fight a battle, and the offending unit was automatically removed to out of your borders. Of course, using the expel command meant that the other nation would not like you very much, but that not meant necessarily a declaration of war.
                            Not any unit. You can expel only non-combat units in CtP2, like settlers and spies.

                            On topic: The AI will in 2 cases always ignore borders, and there's nothing one can do against. The first is wandering settlers/defenders and the second is land explorers and ships, which can't get to their preset destination in another way. The general rule is, the stronger you are militarily, the less will the AI violate your territory.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Sir Ralph

                              Not any unit. You can expel only non-combat units in CtP2, like settlers and spies.
                              That's true, I forgot about that.
                              I watched you fall. I think I pushed.

