Non-Religious civs want to get out of despotism ASAP and they do not want to make another switch to anything.
This means going to Republic, under most conditions (can you say AU208). Once there you do not want to spend research time learning Demo and you sure do not want to take the hit to switch and you don't need to do it.
Speedy workers are not a big deal by the time I come up with the tech to use Demo, I will have enough workers to do the job.
The depends part is just for a rare set of unusal circumstances for non-religious civs. If you are religious, that is another story.
It is likely that it is best to research only Republic and not have to learn Monarchy/Rep/Dem. Those are non required techs and as such are better skipped. You can get them dirt cheap much later.
Notice I never mentoned Communism, it is way too late and onerous.
This means going to Republic, under most conditions (can you say AU208). Once there you do not want to spend research time learning Demo and you sure do not want to take the hit to switch and you don't need to do it.
Speedy workers are not a big deal by the time I come up with the tech to use Demo, I will have enough workers to do the job.
The depends part is just for a rare set of unusal circumstances for non-religious civs. If you are religious, that is another story.
It is likely that it is best to research only Republic and not have to learn Monarchy/Rep/Dem. Those are non required techs and as such are better skipped. You can get them dirt cheap much later.
Notice I never mentoned Communism, it is way too late and onerous.