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Help me make this game more fun

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  • Help me make this game more fun

    When I had Civ 2 I played it for months, but with my copy of Civ 3 + PTW
    I have played it for two days now and am fed up ready to uninstall and sell it.

    Is it me who have changed or is this game passé?

    I have played 3 games now on monarch to diety+cheat level with 10-14 civs on
    kal-el's earth scenario. For me the whole concept is lost if played on some
    random generated map. Thus, I need a lot of civs on this huge map.

    It feels like all the game is about now is to build city improvements and
    irrigate/road with the workers. I am so fed up with irrigating and mining
    which takes ages to complete that I have edited the scenarios with complete
    irrigation and roads where I'd want my cities so I can get on with the
    interesting part, to build my army and take over the world.
    (culture win? great fun to sit and watch my borders expand)

    I did this, cheated (but compensated the head start with irrigation/roads
    with Diety level), and got my 10th of the map beefed up and in the future
    tech era to get some action already. However, gah, by now it took 4 mins to
    wait after each turn (2.5GHz 512MB GF3) and when I realized it would take a
    gazillion turns to get all my troops all over the world to ransack about a
    gazillion cities I gave a great sigh and went to bed.

    The computer wasn't any fun opposition either.
    It never made me break a drop of sweat. When I started nuking nobody seemed
    to care allthough they tried to seem really pissed at me by declaring war and
    giving me a scornful look.

    The interaction with the other civs is bleak. A trade here and there and that's
    all the interaction I got except for the nuking fest which was terribly one-sided.
    The spying thing was a total dissapointment. What's the use of stealing a tech if
    it takes triple the price compared to getting it the safe way by barganing?
    The plant spy feature never worked once out of the 15 times I tried it.

    So all in all for me this game was all about building improvements and irrigating
    for an eternity, while catching up on the tech, until I finally get to build my
    un-obsolete army to take over a world I don't want to have.

    I may sound very negative but I like the concept of the game although it gets
    way too mundane and repetative.

    HELP me make this game more fun (read: I want to interact more with the other civs and do more stuff
    than build buildings)

    Am I missing any features of the game that are somewhat hidden? Any changes I can
    make in my personality or layout of the game to make it a more pleasurable experience?


  • #2
    It seems to me that if one does not like to build up their empire from scratch and manage workers and citizens, then this is clearly a bad game from them.
    If you make extensive mods to the game, what is it that you are playing, not CivIII.


    • #3
      I play games to trigger the "fun-hormones". Civilization
      only triggers my fun hormones when I throw off a nuke
      or ransack a city. All the effort behind a nuke or a
      ransack is way too tedious for my liking so maybe this
      isn't the game for me any more. I'm probably too

      When a game becomes dull you usually cheat to get
      a final kick out of the game, but the fun out of cheating
      won't last long.

      However, reading strategy tips and especially this thread
      has made the game more interesting again.


      • #4
        I never cheat at these games so I wouldn't know. This game definatly isn't boring for alot of people so it's basicly just you who feels this way in the Civ 3 community. Civilization is a game that you control an empire; making roads, irrigating and mining are a part of that.


        • #5
          If you want more challenge, and greater diplomacy then go play multiplayer.

          You can automate all your workers by pressing A. they will then build all the roads and irrigation for you, but it wont be as efficient as if you do it yourself.

          To get yourself to a stage where you have the fun tanks etc to play with then choose the load scenario and open the future or modern tech starts. That way if you find the early ages boring, you dont have to play them, although it is your loss. Ancient era fighting can be the most difficult.

          I dont play on huges maps simply because of the slowdown. There is too much for my comp to handle, and we are similar spec.

          The computer is a lot tougher to handle if you dont gift yourself perfect terrain. Or maybe try giving them a perfect start as well, plus make sure they are the aggresive civs (aztec,zulu, germans, rome etc). This should provide more of a challenge.

          Personally I enjoy the city management. I find no fun at all in trashng citys if I am just given them. I should be rewarded for roading and irrigating at the right time. A succesful war is my payoff for making the right decisions earlier.
          Safer worlds through superior firepower


          • #6
            It seems you are looking for a sort of wargame. Civ is not designed for this. Try other games like Command and Conquer.
            "Der Krieg ist die bloße Fortsetzung der Politik mit anderen Mitteln." (Carl von Clausewitz, Vom Kriege)


            • #7
              Why not go for RON, that game has your name all over it.
              Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able? Then he is not omnipotent. Is he able, but not willing? Then he is malevolent. Is he both able and willing? Then whence cometh evil? Is he neither able nor willing?
              Then why call him God? - Epicurus


              • #8
                It seems you are looking for a sort of wargame. Civ is not designed for this. Try other games like Command and Conquer.
                Seconded Nym. C&C and the Warcraft series offer exactly what youre looking for....or age of empires. Civ3 is a patient warlords game. Even Napoleon took his time caring for those he ruled while conquering those he didn't.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by alva
                  Why not go for RON, that game has your name all over it.
                  I would suggest that as a good bet for what you are looking for based on your description.
                  One who has a surplus of the unorthodox shall attain surpassing victories. - Sun Pin
                  You're wierd. - Krill

                  An UnOrthOdOx Hobby


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by vmxa1
                    It seems to me that if one does not like to build up their empire from scratch and manage workers and citizens, then this is clearly a bad game from them.
                    If you make extensive mods to the game, what is it that you are playing, not CivIII.
                    I agree that the original poster would be happier with a RTS game, but disagree with your view on mods. For me the game doesn't have enough improvements to build, units to play with, or turns to do both so I use extensive mods so I can do all those things.


                    • #11
                      Thanks for your advice, although I am not that clueless
                      when it comes to games - I DO know there are games
                      like C&C and I have played them all.

                      I think multiplayer will be my saviour, since then I think
                      it would be easier to cope with all the micro-management
                      due to the big reward in beating my friends and getting
                      their respect!

                      LAN at my house this saturday and everyone's invited.


                      • #12
                        Re: Help me make this game more fun

                        Play a one-on-one naked hotseat game with your significant other.

                        That should make it more fun, and who knows, maybe they won't bug you about how much time your spending playing it anymore..............


                        • #13
                          Re: Re: Help me make this game more fun

                          Originally posted by GhengisFarb
                          Play a one-on-one naked hotseat game with your significant other.
                          then play naked Civ III hotseat

                          That should make it more fun, and who knows, maybe they won't bug you about how much time your spending playing it anymore..............
                          yeah your dreaming and just talking plain crazy. wife won't b*tch? I'll believe it when I see it....or more accurately, when I don't HEAR it!!!
                          Haven't been here for ages....


                          • #14
                            I played direct IP versus a friend this weekend and it simpy
                            KICKED A$$ I haven't had this much fun with ANY game EVER before.
                            We haven't finished yet but I have played two new games vs
                            AI while "waiting" for the next LAN oppurtunity and I must say
                            it is a lot more fun now to play vs the computer. (I'm evaluating
                            which is the best civ to use for an ancient war)

                            Why this sudden change of spirit? Well in order to be well prepared
                            for our battle we both studied the different civs with their
                            UU's and special traits pretty carefully and also picked up some
                            useful new tips and strategies here and there from the forums.
                            Choosing civ is now a huge matter compared to a random choice
                            before. Knowing all the different civs with their strengths and
                            weaknesses makes the game far more interesting and challenging.
                            Things I didn't think about or cared to do was for instance to build
                            roads to the front to speed up troops and cutting off enemy strategic
                            resources makes the game much more rich compared to the robotic
                            strategy I had before.

                            Thanks to the multiplayer I now love this game again!


                            • #15
                              LOL Civ's multiplayer returns someone to the fold. Who said it's broken?

                              Seriously though- micromanagement is a part of the game, love it or leave it. I do agree that the designers could have made live easier by allowing the player to move stacks of units though.

