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If you could add one new improvement to Civ3...

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  • #31
    Event scripting.
    Seemingly Benign
    Download Watercolor Terrain - New Conquests Watercolor Terrain


    • #32
      A satellite small wonder (or a set of city improvements) that allows global monitoring of enemy troop positions.
      "It takes you years to learn how to play like yourself." Miles Davis


      • #33
        You've gotten your wish, Defcon!! In C3:C, Sattelites tech will now reveal the world map!! That will allow you to easily monitor your enemies troop movements!!



        • #34
          Lurker, will it give the capability of removing any fog of war or just remove the black overlay from previously undiscovered tiles?

          I would like a small wonder or improvement set that gave you the ability to take, say, one "satellite photograph" per turn, much like the recon mission of jet fighters, etc., but with unlimited range.
          Solomwi is very wise. - Imran Siddiqui


          • #35
            Solomwi, you could probably mod that in now. You could create a unit that has the recon mission and a 362 range (assuming you've got PTW). 362 is effectively unlimited. Make it as expensive as a small wonder and you are set.
            Seemingly Benign
            Download Watercolor Terrain - New Conquests Watercolor Terrain


            • #36
              Good thought, WS.

              I don't use the editor nearly enough for actual games. There are a couple different mods I'm working on here and there, but I'm starting to suspect they're more for the fun of creating them than any intention I have of ever playing them.
              Solomwi is very wise. - Imran Siddiqui


              • #37
                Wonder movies.
                And her eyes have all the seeming of a demon's that is dreaming...


                • #38
                  Until they get boring, and you decide to simply 'ignore' them !!!


                  • #39
                    I would rather have that choice.

                    And her eyes have all the seeming of a demon's that is dreaming...


                    • #40
                      Originally posted by jackl
                      I think my change would be a big overhaul of the resources/unit support system. Resources should be acumulative per turn (like gold) and expendable on support and unit creation.

                      For example.... i find an oil supply and build an oil well (new worker action maybe) once in production this supply gives me 3 units of oil per turn for as long as i control the well. After ten turns i would have a stratigic reserve of 30 oil.
                      I like this idea. I would also make the following changes to unit supply. Why should supply be a part of the game? No less an authority than Erwin Rommel often said:

                      "The battle is fought and won by the logistician before the first shot is fired"

                      Our game should reflect this reality.

                      Idea 1: Land A/D/M values drop by some percentage (say 5%) as you get farther from a rail line connected to your territory/RoP territory. Roads through neutral territory would reduce the penalty by half.

                      Example A: Warrior (1/1/1) is 4 squares outside your starting city's border. It's value is (0.8/0.8/0.8) If it was on a connected road, its value is (0.9/0.9/0.9)

                      Example B: Modern Amor (24/16/3) is 10 squares away from a railroad connected to your border. Its effective value is (12/8/1.5)

                      Idea 2 A civilization can only supply a maximum of units based on the town/city/metro model, further modified by strategic resources.

                      Example C: A civ consisting of 6 towns, 1 iron, and 1 horse can supply 24 units total, but only 20 iron based units and 20 horse based units (so 20 knights and 4 workers would be acceptable)

                      Idea 3 Unit Support can only be supplied in unlimited quantities by road/rail inside the territory where the resource is located, or 10 per port on unconnected territories.

                      Example D1: A 20-support oilfield is connected to 1 port but not by road to a different territory (which is connected to 2 ports). It can supply 20 to its own territory but only 10 to all outside territories.

                      Example D2: A 20-support oilfield is connected to 2 ports but not by road to a different territory (which is connected to 1 ports). It can supply 20 to its own territory and outside territories, but only 10 to this particular outside territory.


                      • #41
                        Hrm so hard to choose!

                        My top three would be as follows (in order of importance):

                        1. Unit trading
                        2. Useful UN/upgraded diplomacy
                        3. Civil Wars


                        • #42
                          I would like to see a movie of what happened the previous turn. Essential for PBEM games.


                          • #43
                            I'd like to be able to chain units together in gangs for purposes of movement and certain orders.

                            It would be especially handy in dealing with pollution in the later game. Even with all the relevant improvements, I seem to generate 4 or 5 pollution a turn, often. So instead of enduring the tedium of having to move 48 individual workers one at a time to the 5 pollution tiles that came up this turn (3 standard, 1 hill, 1 mountain), and click the "clean up pollution" button 48 times, I could have them grouped in gangs of 6, and only have to make 8 moves, and give 8 orders.

                            Unless there is already a way to do this that I am not aware of...


                            • #44
                              Why not automate them?
                              Seemingly Benign
                              Download Watercolor Terrain - New Conquests Watercolor Terrain


                              • #45
                                Good point Outsider.

                                I find pollution management soon gets very very tedious. If I set workers to automatically clean up pollution they all need new orders as soon as all pollution has been cleaned up. I wish I could set them so they would just stand about in some city and just wait for more pollution to appear (I want to set and forget them, never mind if they they are idle sometimes). OTH If I set the workers to "automate with no changes to existing improvements" they run off to all sorts of strange places and seem particularly attracted to the battlezone if I happen to be at war. (Umh, I capture a city so my workers rush there en masse to be captured en masse by the enemy counterattack).

