Did you ever play Civ2, alva?
In that game if a Civ's capital was captured there was a chance that the Civ might enter a civil war. The Civil War would basically split the Civ in two, with half of the cities being given to the rebels (which would basically create a whole new Civ in the game). It's been so long since I played that I've forgotten exactly how it worked.... maybe unhappiness and anarchy was involved too.... but it was very cool.
In that game if a Civ's capital was captured there was a chance that the Civ might enter a civil war. The Civil War would basically split the Civ in two, with half of the cities being given to the rebels (which would basically create a whole new Civ in the game). It's been so long since I played that I've forgotten exactly how it worked.... maybe unhappiness and anarchy was involved too.... but it was very cool.
