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Some More General Questions...

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  • #16
    Originally posted by CerberusIV
    If you have spies then you should be at the tech level to build Universal Suffrage and police stations, both of which will keep a lid on WW.

    Embassies give a look at your capital city and allow diplomatic options, that's about all. You get to do the same options to them so what's the problem?
    If you read my first post, you'll see the results after only 5 years of war while I was a Democracy. As for US and police stations, they barely help IMO, especially when the bulk of your cities are +20 and 19 are unhappy due to WW. Regardless, that wasn't the question. The question was, why don't AI civs suffer ANY ill effects from WW even though they're the instigators, are Democracy or Republic, and should have easily in the +100 WWP. The problem is they don't appear to be affected by WW at all.

    As for Embassies, the problem is, I don't WANT them to have access to that information, and it's ludicrous that I have no option to deny them access to my soil, as apparently all it takes is for them to have enough money to establish one. I don't have any choice in the matter. It's entirely idiotic.

    Originally posted by WarpStorm
    Were they winning the war? That makes a difference.
    Not even remotely. Though I don't see why that should make any kind of difference (from a logic perspective), since WW should apply regardless of status of the conflict.

    - Z


    • #17
      Well, to answer your question about AI and WW, I've noticed that the AI does suffer from WW when fighting extended periods of time..

      especially if 2 neighboring AIs are fighting each other since the AI is so poor at protecting its attacking units, losses are fairly high for both sides, and WW kicks in very soon so the AI all changed governments.

      and if I'm not mistaken, it sounds like you are warring with every AI civ, so the accumulated WW from so many battles is bound to add up really fast.

      I'd probably keep a closer eye on the military advisor screen to check the AI's government to see if they've changed away from rep or demo.

      Also, the AI workers irrigate so many tiles that they usually have so many extra citizens made into entertainers to remain productive, so use your spies to check the AI cities.. you'll notice they get progressly unhappier as the war goes on.

      And the US and police stations do help to reduce WW. I've successfully been at war with a single AI opponent for 80+ turns while being in demo by having all lux (traded or otherwise), having happiness wonders and improvments, having the lux slider at 20%, having the US and police stations, and having 2 much smaller civs declare war on me, but not doing any fighting (which gave me negative WW).

      So you could try combating WW, or take on 1 or 2 AI at one time.... or switching governments.


      • #18
        Originally posted by PeaSoup
        Well, to answer your question about AI and WW, I've noticed that the AI does suffer from WW when fighting extended periods of time..

        especially if 2 neighboring AIs are fighting each other since the AI is so poor at protecting its attacking units, losses are fairly high for both sides, and WW kicks in very soon so the AI all changed governments.

        and if I'm not mistaken, it sounds like you are warring with every AI civ, so the accumulated WW from so many battles is bound to add up really fast.

        I'd probably keep a closer eye on the military advisor screen to check the AI's government to see if they've changed away from rep or demo.
        Again, I've been at war for over 100 years/turns, and using spies to look at every city (ALL of them), and aside from the normal 2-5 entertainers that the AI will employ to combat large sized cities, not a single civ is suffering adversely from WW, while still (+100 years/turns) remaining Democracy or Republics.

        I don't want to sound rude here, but this is the third time I've had to repeat this, please read what the first post says people.

        Also, the AI workers irrigate so many tiles that they usually have so many extra citizens made into entertainers to remain productive, so use your spies to check the AI cities.. you'll notice they get progressly unhappier as the war goes on.
        Once again, they are NOT suffering from WW. Aside from the normal 2-5 entertainers that the AI will usually have due to overpopulation, they are not suffering in any way that I can see, while still remaining Democracy or Republic for over 100 years/turns.

        And the US and police stations do help to reduce WW. I've successfully been at war with a single AI opponent for 80+ turns while being in demo by having all lux (traded or otherwise), having happiness wonders and improvments, having the lux slider at 20%, having the US and police stations, and having 2 much smaller civs declare war on me, but not doing any fighting (which gave me negative WW).
        I realize they have an effect, I'm saying they don't have any decent effect when you have +150 cities almost all of which are +20 and virtually all your citizens are unhappy due to WW. US alleviates 1 unhappy citizen making them content in all cities, whoopee. Police stations alleviate about 20-25% of the WW effect in that city (note that it's the EFFECT, not the number of unhappy citizens) which eventually translates to 1-2 unhappy citizens becoming content. Again, they're useless for the cost/build time IMO, especially when talking about extended campaigns.

        But yet again, this isn't the problem. What I'm saying is, the AI who are the INSTIGATORS of the war (all of them) are not suffering from WW in the slightest. It's possible they may have suffered some effects very early on in the conflict (I have no way of knowing), but now, +100 years/turns later, they appear to be suffering no ill effects, despite having multiple cities razed, losing in the +100 units each, at least 20-30 turns with units inside my borders as well as mine within theirs, and most having lost at least one capital. They should each be suffering HUGE penalties, but not a single one has any citizens complaining about the war and are all producing units and various improvements as though nothing was out of the ordinary. And no, I didn't accept any peace treaties during this time, I've been completely ignoring all of them, trying to get them to suffer the penalties of WW, but it appears they simply don't.

        I assume by the types of responses I'm seeing that none of you have ever encountered this before, or are simply not understanding or reading what I'm saying here.

        - Z

