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Stealth bomber shot down by Spitfire

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  • #61
    To all of you thinking they always is a possibility for a unit to destroy a more advanced one, think about this scenario:
    the year is 1950, Europeans just landed for the first time in America and Attack the Indian nations, Incas and Aztecs with Bombers and tanks, while they defend with warrior and ancient cavalry, is anyone of you gonna tell me they could bring a bomber down or destroy a tank? (sorry, no blackmarket possible there...)
    The fact that units get destroyed because for example of the terrain there are on (tanks in swamps) should be dealt with in the game, tanks or other units going on swamps, jungle, desert, tundra... should take damage (maybe one HP/turn untill destruction).
    This would also make the exploration of the great Canadian or Russian Tundra areas more realistic, since one would need planes to achieve it.
    There should also be accidents happening to units once in a while, making them loose HPs, as it sometimes happens (two tanks crash, plane has a misfunction), but I think explaning the old story of the warrior destroying the tank with the accident story is just too easy...
    The fact that even a peasant in Afghanistan can get modern guns is off course something that shouldn't be neglected, maybe it would be realistic that when two civs have a common border, some of the technology leaks (through the blackmarket) making a too big tech difference impossible, one could say for example that once a CIV has an 10-15 techs advance, the other one gets free CIVs of the oldest ones for free once in a while...


    • #62
      I agree with your Idea is is very unrealastic that one civ could have lasers and riffles and other such and another with contact and roads could be using stone axes. I dont take well to the RPG spearmen theory Afganastan deffinantly dosent do tech reasearch but they did have tanks Civs shouldnt be allowed to stay so far behind afterall there is no pikemen units in existince now. They need to add more unit Balance make units differ greater in streanght by era. I have thought about moding this by multplying all ancient units by 1 all medival by 2 all industrial by 4 and all modern by 8 But thats a lot of math and clicking to do. Just to Complain I got my PC revoked so I couldent Even if I wanted to!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.
      Absolute power corrupts absolutely

