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Expansionistic Trait needs to be overhauled for conquests

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  • #16
    Expansionist has three big advantages as I see it:

    1. First to discover other civs = early tech lead.
    2. Pottery tech from start.
    3. Very often get an extra base (huge deal).

    These points are good on all maps.


    • #17
      My AU$0.02c worth, on this subject, is that Expansionist Civs should get ONE of the following (should be adjustable in the editor)

      1a. All units have either 1mp extra OR

      1b. All units ignore MC penalties associated with adverse terrain (i.e. all unimproved terrain costs 1mp).

      2. All improvements/wonders with a culture value of >1 get a bonus culture point when built by an expansionist Civ (allong them to claim territory much faster!)

      The reason I have suggested TWO options is to allow for both the Builder and the Warmonger player type!!!

      Whilst on the topic of traits, I also think that Militaristic Civs should get a bonus that allows their military improvements (like barracks) to actually have a default culture value of 1. I suggest this to represent the ability for military civs to enforce their borders via the projection of military force (as represented by things like barracks). Alternatively, military tile improvements, like forts, airbases and outposts, should have a cultural border of 1 when built by militaristic civs. Again, this reflects the ability of military civs to create borders by the projection of military might!!!
      Anyway, just a few thoughts !!



      • #18
        I like your third idea Aussie, but think it should be extended to all traits. A scientific civ, for example, should get an extra culture from libraries and a seafaring civ should get one from harbors.
        Seemingly Benign
        Download Watercolor Terrain - New Conquests Watercolor Terrain


        • #19
          I believe all your ideas are insanely overpowered, Aussie. Your Militaristic idea would elevate China to Gods. Well, expansionist civs would be better if their units had 1 mp! more than everyone else. That's just such an insanely good bonus that I cannot believe it.

