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Question about army?

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  • Question about army?

    Have some question about armies?
    -Dont know how load new unit into an army or unload unit(what's the maximum can they contain)?
    -Can hurry a wonder with a army or his leader (if the army was already created)?
    -Can disband army an keep leader?
    -Exist patch for these problems?
    Tank You!!

    I think leader are more useful for hurry wonder than creat army if we cannot do anything until army was created??no?

  • #2
    To load: put a unit in the same square as the army and load the same as loading on a ship in port (load icon or "L" key). You CANNOT unload a unit from an army once its loaded.

    Disbanding an army in a city gets you shields towards production but not a wonder (I believe). You do not get the leader back.

    What I do is create an army with the first leader so I can build Heroic Epic, Military Academy and Pentagon. After that any leaders are used only to build wonders, I don't build armies except by using the Military Academy.

    Hope this helps.
    Rule 37: "There is no 'overkill'. There is only 'open fire' and 'I need to reload'." 23 Feb 2004


    • #3
      a patch for what problems?
      I use Posturepedic mattresses for a lifetime of temporary relief.


      • #4
        Armies can have up to 3 units, until you build the Pentagon. Then you can have up to 4 units.
        I think armies are more useful than wonders. I will try to have as many as I am allowed (# of cities). It is very hard to bust cities without an army. Yes you can use bombardment, but that destroys things and it is hard to get units to cities to bomb with.
        Most of the time, I will make an army with my first leader. I can not wait to get another army until I have the Mil Acad. That comes way to late in the game.
        Armies can not only bust cities, but they can pacifiy them as well.


        • #5
          I tend to stack up empty Armies in my capital. Don't like giving up on more Great Leaders by sitting on them.


          • #6
            Disbanding an Army provides 100 shields (the production cost of an Army at the military academy) to non-wonder production. You get no shields for any military units within (prior to the PTW 1.27f patch, at least).

            None of these characteristics are "problems" that need to "fixed" for people that have enjoyed the game for almost 2 years.

            EDIT: (1/4 the production cost of an Army at the military academy)
            Last edited by Jaybe; August 26, 2003, 19:28.


            • #7
              Re: Question about army?

              Originally posted by djy
              Have some question about armies?
              -Dont know how load new unit into an army or unload unit(what's the maximum can they contain)?
              You can load a unit within an army with the Load button or L key when the army and the unit are on the same tile.
              You can not unload a unit.
              Default is 3 but you can increase it to 4 with the Pentagon.

              -Can hurry a wonder with a army or his leader (if the army was already created)?
              You can not hurry a construction with an army; when you create an army, the leader disappears. You only can complete a wonder with a leader.

              -Can disband army an keep leader?
              I do not know, but I would say no. In fact I do not see the interest in disbanding an army.

              -Exist patch for these problems?
              Problems? These are not problems. That is the way the game is.

              I think leader are more useful for hurry wonder than creat army if we cannot do anything until army was created??no?
              It depends on your style of play (warmonger/builder). I am a builder but I always use my first leader to build an army. As I am at war when I get it, it is very usefull.
              "Der Krieg ist die bloße Fortsetzung der Politik mit anderen Mitteln." (Carl von Clausewitz, Vom Kriege)


              • #8
                I believe that regardless of playstyle it's always better to hurry a wonder if one is available (and useful, I think an army is better than the great wall), with the exception of the first leader, which might be more useful to turn into an army to be able to build the heroic epic.


                • #9
                  Since I'm a builder, I don't engage in that many wars. That's why I always use my first leader to build an army, since otherwise I wouldn't be sure to have the herioc epic and other army-related small wonders in the game. Heroic Epic is a great investment for the builder player, since he can get leaders (immediate wonders) much more often from his few battles.
                  "I have been reading up on the universe and have come to the conclusion that the universe is a good thing." -- Dissident
                  "I never had the need to have a boner." -- Dissident
                  "I have never cut off my penis when I was upset over a girl." -- Dis


                  • #10
                    I almost always use my first leader for the FP. I'm surprised that isn't a more popular option, because it allows you to have two productive 'cores', drastically increasing your revenue and overall output at an early stage in the game ....


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by David Murray
                      I almost always use my first leader for the FP. I'm surprised that isn't a more popular option, because it allows you to have two productive 'cores', drastically increasing your revenue and overall output at an early stage in the game ....
                      This is because we hope to have a leader before the FP is available.


                      • #12
                        DM - I often will use my first leader for a FP (or, more likely, a palace move, having built my FP close to my original capitol). But lately, I've been having a blast with really early archer wars, and if I get an ultra early leader, he's got Pyramids written all over him.

                        grog want tank...Grog Want Tank... GROG WANT TANK!

                        The trick isn't to break some eggs to make an omelette, it's convincing the eggs to break themselves in order to aspire to omelettehood.


                        • #13
                          Heroic Epic is a great investment for the builder player, since he can get leaders (immediate wonders) much more often from his few battles.
                          Actually, Spiff, I disagree.

                          Building an army and then the Heroic Epic uses 1 leader *now* for the promise of a +25% chance of leader(s) later.

                          In order for the HE to be worth your while, you need to generate at least 2 leaders after building it (1 to replace the leader you used on the army, and at least 1 more to justify that use). Now, in my opinion, once the game advances past the early industrial age, leaders are nearly worthless. Therefore, one must produce 2 or more leaders before, say, Electronics is discovered, in order for the HE to have been worth it. If you're a "builder" who doesn't fight much, that's not at all guaranteed.

                          If, however, you instead invest your leader the Pyramids (if you get it early enough), or failing that, an ideal FP/Palace move, I think you are likely to get more bang for your buck.

                          grog want tank...Grog Want Tank... GROG WANT TANK!

                          The trick isn't to break some eggs to make an omelette, it's convincing the eggs to break themselves in order to aspire to omelettehood.


                          • #14
                            Sounds about right to me. I use most of my later leaders to crank out armies. In a really leader fest game, I have used them for such goofy things as a battleship or a temple/cath. Just to not have them hanging around.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Jaybe
                              Disbanding an Army provides 100 shields (the production cost of an Army at the military academy) to non-wonder production. You get no shields for any military units within (prior to the PTW 1.27f patch, at least).

                              None of these characteristics are "problems" that need to "fixed" for people that have enjoyed the game for almost 2 years.
                              I thought armies cost 400 shields.

