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uggest. for CIV3 future upgrades - TURNS

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  • uggest. for CIV3 future upgrades - TURNS

    I have already posted this thread on ... Future

    When you have lot of big cities, to change production after the previous is finished, is a pain.
    Very useful would be 2 things:
    1) Possibility to predetermine (automatize) the succession of city improvements in all cities.

    2) Possibility, at the beginning of each turn, to go into the Domestic advisor screen and quickly change from there the production only in cities that have completed the previous prod. Of course this would mean that the shortcut described in the thread that will follow (in CIV3 PTW) would be eliminated:

    geeslaka answered that these two things (worklist and report list) are already available on FREECIV.
    3) what is freeciv, where do I find what I am looking for?
    Omnia Mea Mecum Porto.

  • #2
    continued - TURNS

    Shortcut to be eliminated for introducing functionality 2) described in previous thread:

    I any turn, the changes of city productions usually start from the Capital; i.e. if the capital has finished its production, it will be the first city to appear asking what next to produce. Therefore if I am researching Miniaturization, City A is the Capital, in City B I do the Palace to then switch to Internet, and if the turn when Miniaturization is done is the same when the Palace is done (with no further possibility to unpurpousedly slow down production in City B), than the turn before Miniaturization is done I can put the Capital to produce anything that takes 1 turn ( artillery). The following turn Miniaturization will be done; the artillery in the capital will appear as the first completed City Improvem. to be changed; I will then zoom to Capital, move ( with write bottom) to arrive to City B, change production ( which will still appear to be Palace, missing turns 1) from Palace to Internet. Any other way I would have competed Palace.

    A player like me that likes huge rich maps, would be much better off with the 2 new functionalities mentioned above.

    More in general I think that ‘philosophically’ the end of the turn must be the cut-off for anything that is obtainable only after a certain time. What is described above is in contrast with this.

    a) can you confirm that what I described above is normal and not a bag?

    b) do you agree on the Philosophy that the end of the turn should be the cut off of all calculations?...and that the shortcut described above should therefor not be possible?

    Thank you.
    Omnia Mea Mecum Porto.


    • #3
      I think there is a forum for freeciv here, take a look.


      • #4
        freeciv is exactly what it says it is... civ thats free... unfortunately not as good as the civ itself for obivous reasons... and complicated as hell to get setup
        Without music life would be a mistake - Nietzsche
        So you think you can tell heaven from hell?
        rocking on everest


        • #5
          vmxa1: Yes, the forum is here. However, that forum is not very active, as most questions are a) quickly answered, or b) the questioner takes it to the place of real discussion.

          Lord_Davinator: I haven't played Civ3, so I can't compare it to that. I have played ToT a lot though, and there is only one thing that ToT had that Freeciv doesn't, multi-layer maps. I could go on and on listing features, but that would be redundant. As far as setup goes, I can't vouch for Windows setup, but it was very easy to install it on my machine. As with most hassles, it's only a hassle if you see it as one.
          American by birth, smarter than the average tropical fruit by the grace of Me. -me
          I try not to break the rules but merely to test their elasticity. -- Bill Veeck | Don't listed to the Linux Satanist, people. - St. Leo | If patching security holes was the top priority of any of us(no matter the OS), we'd do nothing else. - Me, in a tired and accidental attempt to draw fire from all three sides.
          Posted with Mozilla Firebird running under Sawfish on a Slackware Linux install.:p


          • #6
            Freeciv has the standard civ weakness of overpowered ICS, diplomats and caravans. Start by building settlers with every city as soon as it's built, build all cities as close to one another as possible, go into democracy then buy the world. And don't forget to stockpile caravans before one of many overpowered wonders becomes available.


            • #7
              Some things are being done to make ICS less effective. There is a patch to remove the free worker on the city tile. There are also two server options: notradesize and fulltradesize.

              Option: notradesize - Maximum size of a city without trade
              All the cities of smaller or equal size to this do not produce trade at all.
              The produced trade increases gradually for cities larger than notradesize
              and smaller than fulltradesize. See also fulltradesize.

              Option: fulltradesize - Minimum city size to get full trade
              There is a trade penalty in all cities smaller than this. The penalty is
              100% (no trade at all) for sizes up to notradesize, and decreases gradually
              to 0% (no penalty except the normal corruption) for size=fulltradesize. See
              also notradesize.

              If you don't like the wonders, you can use one of the no wonders modpacks.
              American by birth, smarter than the average tropical fruit by the grace of Me. -me
              I try not to break the rules but merely to test their elasticity. -- Bill Veeck | Don't listed to the Linux Satanist, people. - St. Leo | If patching security holes was the top priority of any of us(no matter the OS), we'd do nothing else. - Me, in a tired and accidental attempt to draw fire from all three sides.
              Posted with Mozilla Firebird running under Sawfish on a Slackware Linux install.:p


              • #8
                Originally posted by geeslaka

                Lord_Davinator: I haven't played Civ3, so I can't compare it to that. I have played ToT a lot though, and there is only one thing that ToT had that Freeciv doesn't, multi-layer maps. I could go on and on listing features, but that would be redundant. As far as setup goes, I can't vouch for Windows setup, but it was very easy to install it on my machine. As with most hassles, it's only a hassle if you see it as one.
                hmm... well I tried installing freecivs bout 2 years ago.. and I did get it to run and played for a while... but got a lot of crashes, although I did like the idea... Since I asssume you play freecivs... is the latest version a massively better game than it was 2 years ago?
                Without music life would be a mistake - Nietzsche
                So you think you can tell heaven from hell?
                rocking on everest


                • #9
                  Yes it is. In fact, the things I mentioned are part of the version 1.14. Also, the cvs version now has ai diplomacy.

                  Were you using the windows version when you had those crashes? I was unable to actually crash the server (though I didn't try very hard, it wasn't my main interest), I could only make it hang indefinitely if I set the options to things that I thought would confuse it.
                  American by birth, smarter than the average tropical fruit by the grace of Me. -me
                  I try not to break the rules but merely to test their elasticity. -- Bill Veeck | Don't listed to the Linux Satanist, people. - St. Leo | If patching security holes was the top priority of any of us(no matter the OS), we'd do nothing else. - Me, in a tired and accidental attempt to draw fire from all three sides.
                  Posted with Mozilla Firebird running under Sawfish on a Slackware Linux install.:p


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by geeslaka
                    Yes it is. In fact, the things I mentioned are part of the version 1.14. Also, the cvs version now has ai diplomacy.

                    Were you using the windows version when you had those crashes? I was unable to actually crash the server (though I didn't try very hard, it wasn't my main interest), I could only make it hang indefinitely if I set the options to things that I thought would confuse it.
                    hi ,

                    and what does it say with the new patch , .......

                    have a nice day
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