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The theory of "What If?"

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  • The theory of "What If?"

    I have just read Harry Turtledoves "American Empire:Victorious Opposition." If you do not know who that author is he is quite simply a writer of Alternate History. Now the point of this book it has the "What If" of a Confederate Victory In the Civil War. Harry Turtledove takes the "What If" through World War One, and to the start of World War Two. I would like to see if anybody out there would like to see a mod made off of this idea.

    You can also use this Thread to post your oppinions of this What If in here

  • #2
    At least post on What do you think the world would be like if the CSA had won the Civil War?


    • #3
      What if ...

      I have read the series up through the end of WW1, and just bought Blood and Iron 3 days ago. Personally, I think Turtledove could cut the number of pages in every book of the series by 30% if he stopped repeating himself every 5th chapter. But the series is intriguing so I'll continue to plod along

      Would it have been possible for the army of Northern Virginia to inflict a crushing defeat on the army of the Potomic and then march to Philadelphia? What would Lee accomplish if he did, 200 miles from friendly territory with only 70,000 men? I doubt such a move would have brought English and French recognition, which would have been the only way for the CSA to win independence.

      If the CSA had won though, I believe Turtledove's vision of the slow abolition of slavery in the south would have occurred. I can believe that socialism would be a big force in both halves of the country.

      I doubt the USA would tolerate the kind of military incompetence that could lose the Civil War for long. The means would have been put in place to guarantee victory if given the chance (excuse) to wage a Second Civil War. "Never again" is a powerful motivator.

      If a scenario were made featuring the USA vs the CSA, I think the CSA should be required to remain communist, to simulate the effects of slavery. The USA would be republic as opposed to democratic, to simulate the influence that state governments had on the Union war effort. The CSA would probably be militaristic, to reflect their better performance during the early years. The USA would be industrious. Both sides were highly innovative, maybe scientific for each?


      • #4
        maybe the USA should be agricultural (from Conquests). This would possibly lead indirectly to conscripting soldiers, as well.
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        • #5
          If youll note Lee never marched on Philadelphia in the "Confederate Universe." He only had to take Washington to get English and French recognition. Te "Second Mexican War" In that universe was said to be something that the US did not completely support and was done very half-assed. The "Never Again" factor as you said applies for World War One and as youll see it appies to the Confederacy as well.

          As for a scenario, I personally would love to see it be the entire world as well, you get to play as the CSA or the USA and start at the Great War or at the War of Secession. You know put it on a world map and have the major powers in Europe, Asia, and Soth America. I agree with your ideas for nation atttributes and the government idea as well. But if its to be play from 1863 onward allow the CSA to change governments after 30 years.

