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Creation of the UN and I lose???

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  • Creation of the UN and I lose???

    Please, someone help me out with this. I have played a few games and every time the UN gets created and there is a vote for the secretary general, I lose the game. Doesn't matter who builds it or who I vote for. Why is that? What am I missing?? Thanks.


  • #2
    You need to look at the Civs relations with you and others. Often by that point in the game you wil not be on such good terms and the vote will be hard to win.
    I tend to not allow diplo wins. If it is on, you want to be the one to build the UN and not call for a vote if this look ugly.


    • #3
      The UN vote is mostly dependent on public relations with the other civs. If your relations with other civs are bad then you probably won't get the vote. If the relations are good then one of the AI civs must have better relations (which is often the case since, especially at the higher difficulties, they are almost automatically cautious or annoyed with you). I don't know all the ins and outs of a UN win so maybe someone else can post with the statistics. I really don't care for a UN win (or loss), so I do everything I can to build the UN first to hold off the vote. Or just turn off the diplomatic win condition when starting a game.

      Good luck.


      • #4
        Should've known. Cross post with vmxa1.


        • #5
          Thanks for the fast replies. I was the one that built it but Lincoln won the vote. So, if you win the vote you win with a diplomatic victory and if you lose, you lose?


          • #6
            Originally posted by Caligo
            Thanks for the fast replies. I was the one that built it but Lincoln won the vote. So, if you win the vote you win with a diplomatic victory and if you lose, you lose?
            Correct. Unless you're sure of the outcome then don't hold the vote.

            I'm not 100% positive because I've never actually won or lost by diplomatic victory (by choice), but can you play on after losing a UN vote?


            • #7
              Once in a while a UN vote opportunity will come by just after I have saved the game. Then I'll often "cheat": Have the vote just to see if I win it; if I lose I can reload the game, if I win then I can quit if I feel satisfied, or reload and not hold the vote.


              • #8
                I always build the UN just as insurance.By that point in the game, I've already killed at least one other Civ so nobody trusts me anymore. This means I'll win a space race without any panic with the final part in construction.


                • #9
                  I always play with the diplomatic victory turned off. The concept of putting 30, 40 hours into a game, winning in all other areas then losing the entire game in a beauty contest is a little too much for me.

                  Winning isn't much better. Very anti-climatic.
                  "Guess what? I got a fever! And the only prescription is ... more cow bell!"


                  • #10
                    The surest, but by no means certain, way to win the diplomatic vote is to identify the least popular AI civ (usually the strongest) and go to war with them just before you complete the UN. Then give the other AI's whatever it takes to get them into an alliance with you. They will then vote for you.

                    Once you complete the UN you will be offered the chance to take a vote every 20 turns IIRC.
                    Never give an AI an even break.


                    • #11
                      I've won the Diplo Victory, its quick but nice to know everyone likes you
                      be free


                      • #12
                        Once you complete the UN you will be offered the chance to take a vote every 20 turns IIRC.

                        11 turns, actually. Now isn't THAT odd....


                        • #13
                          i like when i control all of one luxury. then, despite the economic loss, i'll constantly give it as a gift to everyone to keep most on polite..
                          I use Posturepedic mattresses for a lifetime of temporary relief.


                          • #14
                            I disagree with the consensus on diplowins. I used to play peaceful builder, using the peace dividend to out-produce and out-research all rivals. Arriving into the modern era as the clear leader and with a perfect reputation, I had no problems winning everyone's vote except the UN rival and the odd aggressor.

                            Nothing unsatisfying about the victory - I was the best civ so why do I have to kill everyone or even build an SS to prove it?


                            • #15
                              I find it to be lame, but that is why they gave us lots of options for victory.

