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CivIII at 'poly

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  • How are we going to work out the awards? Maybe after players....


    • Originally posted by sabrewolf

      what about the
      "has no life" award: biggest milking?
      "city flipper" award: wins most cities by culture flip (coracle's favourite)
      "viagra" award: super potent ultra fast breeding (growth / REXing)

      and something for best non-standard strategy (not warmongering or techwhoring) ...
      Don't forget the 'Swiss' award for a Perfect Peacenik game

      BTW, all awards should be given for each level of play. I believe many newbies will be interesting in playing if they have chances to win an award at their present level of playing.
      The Mountain Sage of the Swiss Alps


      • Originally posted by Theseus
        IMHO, the preview of Conquests at Gamespot is all the more reason for us to get our house in order.
        Agreed. The "New AU" needs to be fully up and running by the time Conquests comes out. By the look of things the game will change a huge amount (even changes to existing Civs traits and UU) and these types of learning and discovery games will be great fun.

        That gives us 3 or 4 months to get this thing done (depending on when exactly in the autumn the expansion is released).
        If I'm posting here then Counterglow must be down.


        • Originally posted by Nuclear Master
          How are we going to work out the awards? Maybe after players....
          Some awards would be 'objective', as fastest diplomatic win on Regent etc.
          Others would be more 'subjective', as best AAR/DAR.
          For these, we could create a poll and vote.

          In any case, players should be able to 'opt-out' from the award system on a play-by-play basis.
          The Mountain Sage of the Swiss Alps


          • Originally posted by Nuclear Master
            ThesEus. But it would be optional. Because newer players would not want to show there results.
            If a newer player doesn't want to show his results, why would he post an AAR at all...? I think it's a great idea Theseus and that way, we would be able to see better what is going on in each other's game...

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            • AU presence - One of the things that CFC did was to give the GOTM more of its own presence... well, maybe that's the wrong way to say it, rather it's that cracker put a HUGE effort into it, and then turned around and got CFC admin to highlight the results. I think that we need to do the same thing; I mean, c’mon, how easy is it for a newcomer to even find AU?? The problem is, this will require an effort similar to cracker’s on someone's part, and due to RL it ain't gonna be me. Volunteers?
              forgive my ignorance, but just what excatly is AU? is it 'poly's 'Game of the month'
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              -->"Production! More Production! Production creates Wealth! Production creates more Jobs!"-Wendell Willkie -1944


              • DarkCloud, check here:

                The greatest delight for man is to inflict defeat on his enemies, to drive them before him, to see those dear to them with their faces bathed in tears, to bestride their horses, to crush in his arms their daughters and wives.

                Duas uncias in puncta mortalis est.


                • oh yeah. thanks. I remember somethng like that being set up a few months ago- I mustt have just forgotten.

                  -->Visit CGN!
                  -->"Production! More Production! Production creates Wealth! Production creates more Jobs!"-Wendell Willkie -1944


                  • Originally posted by Theseus
                    You never know... there are players like Kon, and others, who have embraced the opportunity to have the more experienced help out.

                    But you are right, whatever we do needs to maintain a sensitivity to the newer players. I just thought that it would be a fun way to use the DARs. (And, for instance, I'd really like to see such a comparison for the phases of AU402)
                    Thanks Theseus... I have to say that Apolyton (and especially AU!) has given a lot to me since the beginning. I seriously think that it's my time to give something back in return. I'll have a nice thread up in the startegy forum by the start of next week...

                    If someone doesn't want to post an AAR, have them to PM me, I'll do my best to convince them it's just great!

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                    • I'm currently trying to compile all the information from this thread and the dribs and drabs in the DG threads I posted. I should have them together by the weekend and start some polls to get things moving.

                      That is barring RL issues of wife and I got a call at work today that the nice idiot in the apartment above ours left his water running and flooded our kitchen and dining room. Luckily the only thing we'll probably be losing is our brand new table and a few books. It could have been so much worse.


                      • That's great Rhothaerill! So does the idiot have to pay for it?


                        • Originally posted by Nuclear Master
                          That's great Rhothaerill! So does the idiot have to pay for it?
                          Don't want to threadjack too much, but...we don't know yet if he's going to pay us for our table. We haven't actually talked to the guy yet. According to our complex he doesn't have renter's insurance so he might be hard pressed just to pay them back for the damages he caused to three different apartments.

                          Apparently he was filling a bowl to clean rocks in his fish tank and then got a call to drive a friend to the airport...and left the water running.


                          • And now back to our regularly scheduled thread.

                            Just to give you guys an idea of what I'm going to do I'm planning on posting several polls. Some will be about the DG's and cover pages, some about the AU and where to take it from here (with many of the ideas from this thread as part of the polls), and one about whether we have enough ideas and support for this to take our ideas to Mark and Dan and see what they think. I plan on posting these in the general forum, but I also want to post reminders of the polls in the DG's and strat forum for those who don't get over to general that much.


                            • Ahem.

                              In all the frenzy about C3C, I'd like to bump this.
                              The greatest delight for man is to inflict defeat on his enemies, to drive them before him, to see those dear to them with their faces bathed in tears, to bestride their horses, to crush in his arms their daughters and wives.

                              Duas uncias in puncta mortalis est.


                              • I sincirely think that AU should have it's seperate web page, something like or the like. This does not kick AU out of the strategy forum, but it will sure bring coherence and visibility. With a nice layout and some dedicated people, I'm sure we could do something very good...

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