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Next Au? (And bigger scores)

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  • Next Au? (And bigger scores)

    Yah, well, sometimes I may sort of get distracted and ramble on about colorful things but it is summer-time so that's okay.

    I do have a question though... How often do new AUs come out? And/or when is the next one scheduled (if, indeed they have a schedule).

    I went to look at the GOTM on that other site but that's just too complicated for me. And 'sides, it's a deity game which I can't play. I can't beat that eternal war AU on Regent for crying out loud. No deity for me.

    I really liked that OCC AU but my score was only 618... I'm not sure how to get bigger scores since I had built everything I could...
    If pigs could fly we'd all have to wear helmets.
    Please don't be envious of my little girlie brain.

  • #2
    You can't get high scores playing OCC. Well maybe if you played on tiny pangea and got a conquest victory very early.

    Keep checking the strategy forum. People will start discussing what the next AU should be.

    The earliest we would see the next AU course would be next week. But it may be 2 weeks. They general come about 4 weeks apart.


    • #3
      They are proposing the next one and the frequency now. Post this in the strat thread where the AU stuff is to get more input.
      AU208 is very hard to beat on Monarch, but may be doable. At Regent, build nothing but vet units and some galleys. Get to England ASAP and take the land over.
      Pick one of the other land mass next. I went with the nearest as it had two civs. I did not want them to be too strong and both jump me when I landed.
      If you wait too long they have mobile units and will get you.


      • #4
        What's an AU ????

        Sorry for asking stupid newbee's questions.
        M. le Comte


        • #5
          Originally posted by M. le Comte
          What's an AU ????

          Sorry for asking stupid newbee's questions.
          Apolyton University. It's a group of downloadable scenarios set up by the Apolyton Gods Alexman, Dominae and others for use in comparing each others notes and strategies. It's also a great place to pick up hints and tips on how to play non AU courses.
          I'm actually just now playing my first...AU208, possibly not a good one to start with, though I'm doing well so far (took my whole continent and part of the next with Persian Immortals ).
          Check out the strategy forum.


          • #6
            Thanks, humble settler
            M. le Comte


            • #7
              I'm a newbie poster, but I've been haunting 'Poly for a year and a half. Thanks to all for strategies and tactics that have greatly improved the way I play!! The least I can do is impart some of my own humble wisdom (such that it is ).


              • #8
                Just a joke. Didn't want to be scornful.toward you...


                His Excellency le Comte
                M. le Comte


                • #9
                  No offense taken excellency.
                  And I have no problems begging for strategies, etc. I take them from others and make them my own. If I was left to create my own strategies I probably would have never moved past regent level.

