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Does AI plan scams?

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  • Does AI plan scams?

    Something suspicious... was playing Babs in the OCC (yeah, the obvious choice but I'm tired of losing) and Rome declared war like 2 turns after meeting them even though they're on a different continent. (They wanted tribute, I said, go talk to my spearman.)

    So we never made peace for a very very long time (they never sent a troop over to my landmass and I'm OCC so why would I bother to go there...) Anyway, once I got Democracy I made peace with Rome just so I'd have another trade partner and they were behind in tech anyway...

    So a few turns pass and I contact them to see if they have any money yet and they don't but they do have saltpeter which I don't have... so I ask what he wants for it and he says WM and 40g (not 40gpt, just a flat 40g). Very suspicious I think 'cause it's worth lots more than that! Because I'm suspicious I decide to offer him gpt instead of a flat rate 'cause I figure that way he won't back stab me.

    Next turn he demands tribute! I guess he did plan to back stab after all... didn't know they AI planned scams like that. Cool, all in all...
    If pigs could fly we'd all have to wear helmets.
    Please don't be envious of my little girlie brain.

  • #2
    That happens to me all the time! I usually keep them happy by offering 1gpt for their territory map every 20 turns or so...


    • #3
      Yes it does that sort of thing and even an RoP rape, as the Germans did to me last night in AU401. Of course they blew it by only sending troops into my land and not attacking anything on the first turn.
      I called down the rest of the civs on them and we took down a bunch of cities, thanks for the expansion of my empire Bismark.


      • #4
        The way the game AI behaves, I sometimes wonder if Soren create an AI message board in-game, where each AI would post their opinion of the human player.

        Hammurabi: Player1 is a jackass

        Gandhi: I'm supposed to be all for peace, but whose up for an ROP rape? my entire treasury for the one to step up to the challenge.

        Xerxes: Shove it Gandhi.
        AI:C3C Debug Game Report (Part1) :C3C Debug Game Report (Part2)
        Strategy:The Machiavellian Doctrine
        Visit my WebsiteMonkey Dew


        • #5

          Hammurabi: hey Guys, i've heard Player1 is Ming!

          Gandhi: **** each time I've attacked Ming, he always shut down the computer... he's a badass players!!

          Xerxes: Oh no we dont want to die, let's offer Gold and Tech to the great mastar Ming, he gonna be happy!!

          So that's why Ming is so good at Civilization!
          Last edited by CrONoS; June 12, 2003, 19:40.


          • #6
            Originally posted by cronos_qc

            Hammurabi: hey Guys, i've heard Player1 is Ming!

            Gandhi: **** each time I've attacked Ming, he always shut down the computer... he's a badass players!!

            Xerxes: Oh no we dont want to die, let's offer Gold and Tech to the great mastar Ming, he gonna be happy!!

            So that's why Ming is so good at Civilization!
            "The Pershing Gulf War began when Satan Husane invaided Kiwi and Sandy Arabia. This was an act of premedication."
            Read the Story ofLa Grande Nation , Sieg oder Tod and others, in the Stories Forum


            • #7

              Tokugawa: I can't figure out why my giant armada of 2 galleys and 2 frigrates can't seem to penetrate Player1's defenses.

              Elizabeth: pffft... Men, Player1 fears my navy

              Gandhi: Oh really? From what I hear, Player1 sinks all your ships and hate your bit*hiness

              Elizabeth: Look whose talking. Just because some losers at Apolyton dedicate threads to playing your Civ doesn't mean your more important than the rest of us.

              Gandhi: Oh yes I am

              Tokugawa: eh?

              Gandhi: That's because I'm Player1!
              AI:C3C Debug Game Report (Part1) :C3C Debug Game Report (Part2)
              Strategy:The Machiavellian Doctrine
              Visit my WebsiteMonkey Dew


              • #8


                • #9

                  hahahahahaha oh so funny. and if only it was true. (hang on that might be why turns take so long on huge maps).


                  • #10
                    yup i experienced the a same thing one spain sold me find artistry for 12 gp nothing more or less 12 gp as a limp sum and they had just doscovered it


                    • #11
                      That's pretty funny Dexters. I could imagine it going something like that.
                      Back on topic, yes the AI does have the ability to totally disregard deals it has made, just like a human player would do. In my recent Monarch game as Carthage I was heading toward a peaceful build-up of forces. I had ROPs and excellent relations with every AI civ. Lizzie had sent 3 English warriors roaming around my territory, and when they got close to the one city I hadn't put a defender in, they attacked! It just so happened that I had completed my switch out of despotism the turn before so in taking back my city and taking a few English cities I also entered my Golden Age. Hmm, thanks for your stupidity Lizzie.

