Something suspicious... was playing Babs in the OCC (yeah, the obvious choice but I'm tired of losing) and Rome declared war like 2 turns after meeting them even though they're on a different continent. (They wanted tribute, I said, go talk to my spearman.)
So we never made peace for a very very long time (they never sent a troop over to my landmass and I'm OCC so why would I bother to go there...) Anyway, once I got Democracy I made peace with Rome just so I'd have another trade partner and they were behind in tech anyway...
So a few turns pass and I contact them to see if they have any money yet and they don't but they do have saltpeter which I don't have... so I ask what he wants for it and he says WM and 40g (not 40gpt, just a flat 40g). Very suspicious I think 'cause it's worth lots more than that! Because I'm suspicious I decide to offer him gpt instead of a flat rate 'cause I figure that way he won't back stab me.
Next turn he demands tribute! I guess he did plan to back stab after all... didn't know they AI planned scams like that. Cool, all in all...
So we never made peace for a very very long time (they never sent a troop over to my landmass and I'm OCC so why would I bother to go there...) Anyway, once I got Democracy I made peace with Rome just so I'd have another trade partner and they were behind in tech anyway...
So a few turns pass and I contact them to see if they have any money yet and they don't but they do have saltpeter which I don't have... so I ask what he wants for it and he says WM and 40g (not 40gpt, just a flat 40g). Very suspicious I think 'cause it's worth lots more than that! Because I'm suspicious I decide to offer him gpt instead of a flat rate 'cause I figure that way he won't back stab me.
Next turn he demands tribute! I guess he did plan to back stab after all... didn't know they AI planned scams like that. Cool, all in all...