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Changing the Music Playlists

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  • Changing the Music Playlists

    Okay, lately, I've been really upset with Civ 3's music (The sounds aren't that bad.) Let's face it -- the music needs to take it's own advice and die.

    So I basically fooled around with the Civ directory and found where the music playlists are located. Apparantly You can replace the music by importing different files (deleting, and of course jottin down names of the originals) And then just renaming the new ones. This is painfully easy (and as I found) very fun. Ride of the valkyries, for example is great during any age, especially times of war.

    I'm assuming that some of you have already tried this.

    (Forgive me if this thread is illegal. I'm very new to hacking, but feel it's my right as a consumer to do whatever the hell I want. Let's call it a 'mod'/)

    I'm assuming that some of you have already tried this,

    Well that's beside the point of this thread. My real motivations (as a VERY inexperienced Java student) tell me that it's possible to program something, or at least change some of the scripts in Civ 3 so that I can do one (or all) of the following things:

    1) Import new music files into the folder, and instructing the game to use these by changing the embedded playlist code. Whatever that is.

    2) Instruct the game to some how use the sound output of Winamp, or a related program, in conjunction with the game. This is probably a lot more difficult.

    3) Add code that somehow tells the game to let me CHOOSE what music I listen to while playing the game (while inside.) Maybe a side toolbar, or extra button at the top. This would prove to be VERY useful, although a massive undertaking for any freelance programmer.

    I had faith that Firaxis, or Atari, or whoever is responsible, would at least try one of these things. But I guess they plum forgot . Or maybe it's a legal thing. Who knows. No matter, I think it's about damn time that somebody (or a group of people) from the community steps up and tries to fix this disaster. If nobody volunteers, I will try to do this myself. But as you know, will probably fail.

    Anybody interested?

    (PS mods - I realize this thread is a bit 'iffy.' Please give it a chance. I'm pretty sure we'd all see this as a great benefit if it actually got through to someone.)

  • #2
    i think anything involving ending the monotony of those damn songs is OK here...
    I use Posturepedic mattresses for a lifetime of temporary relief.


    • #3
      I tried the name-change thing. The game just crashed with some obscure error.
      Sorry, can't help with the scripting. Great idea, though.
      cIV list: cheats
      Now watch this drive!


      • #4
        So simply deleting and replacing those music files doesn't work?

        The music (especially in the Industrial and Modern Age) gets way too repetitive and a lot of them are really irritating.
        "When we begin to regulate, there is naming,
        but when there has been naming
        we should also know when to stop.
        Only by knowing when to stop can we avoid danger." - Lao-zi, the "Dao-de-jing"


        • #5
          Just run an MP3 player with your music and turn off the ingame music. Works great.

