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The RNG Was *Good* To Me!

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  • The RNG Was *Good* To Me!

    Playing as Persia, not even a militaristic civ, on the very first attack of my very first war against another civ (the Zulu) I get a golden age, the next attack (still on the same turn) was by an elite immortal and he produced a great leader!

    WOW! Talk about luck!!!

    So, what's the luckiest thing that ever happened to you?


  • #2
    Human biases.

    No one every complains when RNG is good to them. But they whine like a ***** it if doesn't do well.

    I like the RNG for several reasons

    1) IT adds significant uncertainty. --Where's the fun if you know your advance units will always win? And this is important if we are talking about incremental advancements in units. A Pikemam > Spearman, but that doesn't mean it will own all the ancient era units.

    2) Evens the playing field. If you are behind technologically, there is a chance of surviving a high-tech onslaught by outproducing your enemy or at least slowing them down enough to save your own skin.
    AI:C3C Debug Game Report (Part1) :C3C Debug Game Report (Part2)
    Strategy:The Machiavellian Doctrine
    Visit my WebsiteMonkey Dew


    • #3
      I actually like it when the RNG is against me (but not too much so).

      It's just too easy to whip the AI, and it needs some help sometimes.


      • #4
        I hardly notice it any more. You get those runs where 3-5 turns in a row all arties fail, but nothing can be done about it.


        • #5
          how about when my fortified guerilla in a mountain gets killed by an attacking AI guerilla TWELVE straight times? :|
          I use Posturepedic mattresses for a lifetime of temporary relief.


          • #6
            It evens out in the end. I am currently playing as the Arabs and invading the Zulus. To start with I was losing units on offence and defence, like a regular pikeman killing one elite ansar and forcing a second one to retreat whilst zulu knights trample my pikemen. Then it turned around and suddenly I can do no wrong. My ansars attack and the zulu units simply die.

            You just have to hang in there sometimes.
            Never give an AI an even break.


            • #7
              Hmmm, In my original post I was trying to keep it succinct, perhaps I did not explain myself well. I was not whining over poor treatment by the RNG, I was reporting to unlikely events (especially for a non-militaristic civ) that happened on the same turn, in two consecutive attacks, in fact.

              First, on the very first attackof my war against the Zulu I entered a golden age. On the very next attack, I obtained a great leader when my elite immortal attacked another zulu.

              Maybe this kind of thing happens to some of you all of the time, but I was under the impression it was fairly rare, especially for a non-militaristic civ, and especially for both events to occur in two consecutive attacks. If my impression was incorrect I'm sure some around here will be happy to correct it.



              • #8
                A golden age starts immediately that your civ's UU wins a combat. No luck involved, apart from winning!

                As for getting a leader, it is down to luck. I had one recent game where an early war I didn't want consisted of my units destroying two warriors and an archer before peace broke out. Yet I got a leader from just three fights. Currently my elite ansars must have destroyed twenty or more zulu units and no sign of a leader.
                Never give an AI an even break.


                • #9
                  You know, you really should be spending your luck on a lottery rather than on Civ3
                  I seem to have entire games that lack GLs. Oh well, that's my luck
                  meet the new boss, same as the old boss


                  • #10
                    i only once got a GL in the dark ages. an army of warriors isnt very intimidating unless the game is that early.

                    anyone know if GL are less common on deity, cuz i just cant get one after probably 30-40 victories from elite units...
                    I use Posturepedic mattresses for a lifetime of temporary relief.


                    • #11
                      You're just getting bad luck. Multiple threads have been done about this, and IIRC, the end result was:

                      If you want GLs, be militaristic, build the Heroic Epic, build Barracks everywhere (one less promotion to worry bout), and be a warmongering bastard.

                      EDIT: Usually b*stard is edited out? Heh, maybe the censor's having some trouble due to the server load...
                      meet the new boss, same as the old boss

