Will they ever change the system? Right now the barbarians are ok, they can cause you a lot of damage but I wish they could raze cities. Barbarians did this more than any other civilization in real life. All that happens when they enter a city is just steal money, and that's dumb. Barbarians can really hurt your production and expansion, but they can't do in civ3 what they did to the Roman Empire in real life. They also need to change the whole razing system alltogether. One unit should only be able to kill a certain amount of population. It's dumb for a marine with 1 hitpoint to completely wipe out a city with millions of people.
Edit: another problem with the system is that they only fight you when your empire is first expanding. It would be cool to have a big war with them once your empire is established. And, I think that barbarian civs should progress almost as fast technologically as the civ they're next to. The only barbarian units are warriors and horsemen, which isn't enough. It would be realistic if it was possible to have modern age barbarians. Consider them like the bedouins, who fought during world war 1 or just a terrorist organization like Al Quada.
Edit: another problem with the system is that they only fight you when your empire is first expanding. It would be cool to have a big war with them once your empire is established. And, I think that barbarian civs should progress almost as fast technologically as the civ they're next to. The only barbarian units are warriors and horsemen, which isn't enough. It would be realistic if it was possible to have modern age barbarians. Consider them like the bedouins, who fought during world war 1 or just a terrorist organization like Al Quada.