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Highscore and Scenarios

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  • Highscore and Scenarios


    I want to add all my victory in my highscore.cv3, but like you know, when we win a game in Civ3 playing with a custom scenario, the game do not store your Final Score in the files HighScore.Cv3.

    When I look in there, there is some entry, with my name and some code...

    And now I want to manually enter my final score, so I can show to my friend how good I am to Civ3... so they gonna make me the Deity of Beloeil Beach(Beloeil is the name of my city). So when I will walk around near the cofee shop and bar, everyone will know, I'm the World Dominator...

    So, do you know what represent each number in the highscores.cv3?

    Thanks everybody!

    see ya!

    ... the bad things in all this, my friend do not even know what is Civilization3... the only things they know about Civ3... is how time consuming is this game!!!

  • #2
    I don't think that is such good proof as you can edit it.
    Make a screen shot of the victory and save the game.

    HighScore.cv3 format
    civname A nnnnn B C D
    A = the civ race counting from the list shown in the hall of fame. That is 22 would be Arabs.
    B = level counting Chief as 0.
    C = type of vic/loss
    VictoryType: Domination(0), Conquest(1), Cultural(2), Diplomatic(3), Spacerace(4), Retired(5), Histograph(6)
    D = 1 means won 2 means lost

    nnnnn is your final score.


    • #3
      Just to expand a bit (and because I've noticed that you are keeping tabs on this type of information):

      The first field contains the name of your civ's leader, with spaces replaced by underscores, e.g., Abu_Bakr or Joan_d'Arc.

      The second field is your final score.

      The third field is your civ, using the following key:
      1 Rome
      2 Egypt
      3 Greece
      4 Babylon
      5 Germany
      6 Russia
      7 China
      8 America
      9 Japan
      10 France
      11 India
      12 Persia
      13 Aztec
      14 KwaZulu
      15 Iroquois
      16 England
      17 Mongols
      18 Spain
      19 Scandinavia
      20 Ottomans
      21 Celt
      22 Arabia
      23 Carthage
      24 Korea

      The fourth field, difficulty level, is keyed as follows:
      0 Chieftain
      1 Warlord
      2 Regent
      3 Monarch
      4 Emperor
      5 Diety

      The fifth field is victory type:
      0 Domination
      1 Military
      2 Cultural
      3 Diplomatic
      4 Space Race
      5 Retired
      6 Rank (on the Histograph)

      The sixth field is the Win/Loss indicator. I was under the impression that
      0 Loss
      1 Win
      but I could be wrong about this.


      • #4
        Wow, thanks Purple!!!


        • #5
          Originally posted by Purple
          The third field is your civ, using the following key:
          I think this is why modded games aren't allowed in. What if you have a civ not on the list?
          Seemingly Benign
          Download Watercolor Terrain - New Conquests Watercolor Terrain


          • #6

