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H'wacha's can't kill!

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  • H'wacha's can't kill!

    It says in the help that the Korean H'wacha unit can kill off a unit completely, unlike other artillery units. Having played about 10 games on diety with the Koreans, I've finally reached the H'wacha stage. They're good, but they can't kill units as promised Is this a bug in the game or in the help?

  • #2
    I'd say "bug in the help".

    The Hwacha can't kill since the beginning of PtW, and Firaxis has never fixed it in any of the several patches (3 so far, and one is in preparation).

    I strongly advise you to edit the default rules and change it. It makes the Hwach much more useful, though not overpowering.
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    • #3
      I think it was done for balance

      Hwach'a has a TON of power

      It should have no trouble damaging Musketmen
      Beer is proof that God loves you and wants you to be happy - Ben Franklin


      • #4
        Yeah, it has no problem damaging units, even Infantry, but I thought it could kill. I see your point though, it would probably be too powerful. So I assume it's an error in the help file?


        • #5


          • #6
            Originally, it was going to be able to kill, but according to Firaxis, it was too unbalancing. So, they removed the lethal component.

            Just remember: If you do mod it, your games won't show up in your Hall of Fame. That bothers some people, but doeesn't bother others.


            • #7
              It's ok, I was just a bit disappointed at first. I've played about 10 games on diety, just to get to this point, and I'd built up an army of 30 H'wacha's. Still, they're very good, even against Infantry they hit 75% of the time. I agree that they'd be far too powerful if they were lethal.


              • #8
                so it is impossible to enter a golden age by your uu having a victorious battle? that's kind of a big disadvantage.


                • #9
                  Oh yeah, I never thought of that. I was looking forward to an industrial golden age, but obviously it never happened, and on diety level, you've got no hope of triggering it with a wonder. So yes, the Koreans suck


                  • #10
                    They could make it kill but make it weaker.

                    This way, it is still unique.
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                    • #11
                      On Deity, isn't there at least some chance of conquering wonders with appropriate traits and then rushing a wonder with a leader? (Conquered wonders can help trigger GAs, but you have to build a wonder yourself to trigger the "does the player have suitable wonders to trigger a GA?" check.)


                      • #12
                        Or they could just make patch, which makes that if you damage units with bombard UU, you trigger a golden age.


                        • #13
                          Yeah, it's possible I guess, but it's still a bit of a push. I'd prefer it if the H'wacha was made weaker - 8 attack like the cannon it replaces - but had the lethal ability. That would make it a good special unit, and able to trigger the GA, but not too powerful.


                          • #14
                            Farflame, that's an interesting option. It might work, but it could still be unbalancing. Why? Because bombard units are at no risk of dying when they attack. If they were deadly and 8, I'd just build 1.5 times as many for my Stack-O-H'wacha-Doom and proceed to wipe out city after city with no risk.
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                            • #15
                              You're right, lethal combat would be too unbalancing.

                              For the h'wacha to trigger a GA you have to tweak the game so that it would be enough for a h'wacha to injure a unit or bring it down to 1 hp.

                              Lethal bombardment could maybe work if the last hp were made 4 times as strong vs bombardment as the other hp.
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