lets face it. the entire history of mankind since the end of the stoneage was a struggle between the so called urban civs and the nomadic ones.
that means we have two completely diffent kinds of civ from the beginning of the game. if your civ becomes a nomadic one or an urban,should be determined by the landscape where you make your first settlement.
the main criterium for becoming an urban civ is a river (and in my oppinion this condition is indispensable. each of the ancient civilisation have had access to a river)
transfered to the game that means, you will get some urban-civ points for settling near a river every turn. your tribe is to become an urban civ after accumulating a certain amount of urban-civ points
basic urban civ-points are also generated by
-bounus resources like wheat, cattles or floodplains since they represent domestification and agriculture
and in generally speed up the cultural progress
complex urban civ-points
-interaction with foreign civs
-leading a victorious war
-city improvements
-great leaders
urban civ-points are used to calculate your empire`s cultural borders and they determine which way your urban civ will go in the future
for example:
-if you build a lot of mines, you will aquire great experience in melting technics and therefore you will be able to research more advanced technics like bronzeworks and later on ironworks. if you don`t have any mines, you cannot research these techics.
-if you have a lot of sea-tiles being farmed, you will progress faster in naval-related
topics like mapmaking, which qualifies you to build triremes, wikinglongboats etc.
some words to the civ specific abiliites
these features schould be get depending on the way you build up and manage your civ.
if you focus on building libaries and generous science funding, your civ becomes scientific and further improvements will be cheaper. same to religious. if you prefer
to build barracks and military units and if you use them, you should become militaristic.
building a lot of mines should make you become industrious.
having tradeagreements and luxury resources should make you comercial. descreased costs
for maketplaces and higher profits from trade agreements.
some words to corruption
corruption should be calculated by the time your fastest military unit needs to reach
this city outgoing from your capital. connecting your cities with roads will significantly
reduce corruption.
now i would like to lose some words concerning the nomadic way of playing. eihter you
didnot find a suitable place or you have chosen this way. i thinks it can be very exiting too.
-the size of barbaric tents is at a maximum of 5
-your tents can move (similiar to the speed of your fastest military unit)
-you can see horses from the beginning. by moving your tent on it, you will also get barbaric civ-points and the research path of domestification will be revealed
-each tent generates a certain quantum of barbaric civ-points
-research capabilities are limited to war technics, horsebackriding and the decampmenttechnonoly.
if you have researched this special technology, you can decide to break up your settlements by completely converting your tents into the best military
unit available. for example corverting 5 tents would make you the dschingiskhanof 25 horsemen. now you can start the great march and start conquering one of the old civilisations. if you are controling more than 2/3 of their former territory,
this civilisation will collapse and you overtake this civ
-after a long time of anarchy and unproductivity (maybe 20 turns) your hordes have been assimilated and you can regularly play with this civ.
(until the moment another barbaric horde approaches ante portes)
that means we have two completely diffent kinds of civ from the beginning of the game. if your civ becomes a nomadic one or an urban,should be determined by the landscape where you make your first settlement.
the main criterium for becoming an urban civ is a river (and in my oppinion this condition is indispensable. each of the ancient civilisation have had access to a river)
transfered to the game that means, you will get some urban-civ points for settling near a river every turn. your tribe is to become an urban civ after accumulating a certain amount of urban-civ points
basic urban civ-points are also generated by
-bounus resources like wheat, cattles or floodplains since they represent domestification and agriculture
and in generally speed up the cultural progress
complex urban civ-points
-interaction with foreign civs
-leading a victorious war
-city improvements
-great leaders
urban civ-points are used to calculate your empire`s cultural borders and they determine which way your urban civ will go in the future
for example:
-if you build a lot of mines, you will aquire great experience in melting technics and therefore you will be able to research more advanced technics like bronzeworks and later on ironworks. if you don`t have any mines, you cannot research these techics.
-if you have a lot of sea-tiles being farmed, you will progress faster in naval-related
topics like mapmaking, which qualifies you to build triremes, wikinglongboats etc.
some words to the civ specific abiliites
these features schould be get depending on the way you build up and manage your civ.
if you focus on building libaries and generous science funding, your civ becomes scientific and further improvements will be cheaper. same to religious. if you prefer
to build barracks and military units and if you use them, you should become militaristic.
building a lot of mines should make you become industrious.
having tradeagreements and luxury resources should make you comercial. descreased costs
for maketplaces and higher profits from trade agreements.
some words to corruption
corruption should be calculated by the time your fastest military unit needs to reach
this city outgoing from your capital. connecting your cities with roads will significantly
reduce corruption.
now i would like to lose some words concerning the nomadic way of playing. eihter you
didnot find a suitable place or you have chosen this way. i thinks it can be very exiting too.
-the size of barbaric tents is at a maximum of 5
-your tents can move (similiar to the speed of your fastest military unit)
-you can see horses from the beginning. by moving your tent on it, you will also get barbaric civ-points and the research path of domestification will be revealed
-each tent generates a certain quantum of barbaric civ-points
-research capabilities are limited to war technics, horsebackriding and the decampmenttechnonoly.
if you have researched this special technology, you can decide to break up your settlements by completely converting your tents into the best military
unit available. for example corverting 5 tents would make you the dschingiskhanof 25 horsemen. now you can start the great march and start conquering one of the old civilisations. if you are controling more than 2/3 of their former territory,
this civilisation will collapse and you overtake this civ
-after a long time of anarchy and unproductivity (maybe 20 turns) your hordes have been assimilated and you can regularly play with this civ.
(until the moment another barbaric horde approaches ante portes)