The entire game India was 2nd in power to me, right next door.. but the time was NEVER right for a war, it drove me mad! So you can predict the results.. comes late game and I'm taking out my frustration on the koreans (they had the nerve to build the UN and wouldn't sell me fission); lo and behold the indians start up their spaceship program alongside mine..
Frantically I get my spies tuned up and searching, finding only one city with SS parts being made but it was going to take them 15 turns to make, plenty of time to research the last tech! In the interim I formulated my revenge, 3 tactical nukes and a ROP signed, I blew India's SS city to smithereens (140 turns to make the last part haha) on my last turn and I lift off to Alpha Centauri with the world at war with me and India launching 3 ICBM's in retaliation.
Frantically I get my spies tuned up and searching, finding only one city with SS parts being made but it was going to take them 15 turns to make, plenty of time to research the last tech! In the interim I formulated my revenge, 3 tactical nukes and a ROP signed, I blew India's SS city to smithereens (140 turns to make the last part haha) on my last turn and I lift off to Alpha Centauri with the world at war with me and India launching 3 ICBM's in retaliation.