I play the best I can with this game.
I'm definitely unhappy !!!!!!
- Advanced army unit loose against primitive warrior.
- Cultural and science discovery as well as territory covering is always bigger for others
- Sometime barbarian are coming at 5 or 6
- and so
I control myself to not say too much bad things here, because I know their a lot of peoples who like this game.
But you know, you can say what you want about the strategy, I don't believe my stategy (as it could be in a real life) is necessary a bad strategy.
I think that if you want win with this game, you have to understand the civ 3 strategy, and then you have some chances.
That's why, civ3 is not a good game for me !
I'm really fed up spending hours of my day off and nights to loose either close to the victory or after hours trying to build something (or 15 min. only after having started a new game, because 2 or 3 countries has decide to do war with me despite commercial exchange).
And why can I not request mutual agreement to protect each others when I have open an embassy ?
Also too much time, others countries don't want take part to a conflict I have with some others countries.
Yeah, angry that's the word.
For me a good strategy game is a game you can predict.
It seems that with civ3, there is something like more high is your player level, more small is the probability for you that most of warrior will loose against the other.
That's not something fair.
I can accept that if the level is high, the probability to be agressed by others is more high for e.g., but not that I have a less bonus at the start of the game, neither my chance of victory doing war with others is more small if we have the same army.
This are tooooooo much easy programing technics that will not convince peoples who like faire battles and want to build real strategy, and not just play with probabilities.
I don't want to have to be "civ3 certified" to get a chance to win !!!
I'm definitely unhappy !!!!!!
- Advanced army unit loose against primitive warrior.
- Cultural and science discovery as well as territory covering is always bigger for others
- Sometime barbarian are coming at 5 or 6
- and so
I control myself to not say too much bad things here, because I know their a lot of peoples who like this game.
But you know, you can say what you want about the strategy, I don't believe my stategy (as it could be in a real life) is necessary a bad strategy.
I think that if you want win with this game, you have to understand the civ 3 strategy, and then you have some chances.
That's why, civ3 is not a good game for me !
I'm really fed up spending hours of my day off and nights to loose either close to the victory or after hours trying to build something (or 15 min. only after having started a new game, because 2 or 3 countries has decide to do war with me despite commercial exchange).
And why can I not request mutual agreement to protect each others when I have open an embassy ?
Also too much time, others countries don't want take part to a conflict I have with some others countries.
Yeah, angry that's the word.
For me a good strategy game is a game you can predict.
It seems that with civ3, there is something like more high is your player level, more small is the probability for you that most of warrior will loose against the other.
That's not something fair.
I can accept that if the level is high, the probability to be agressed by others is more high for e.g., but not that I have a less bonus at the start of the game, neither my chance of victory doing war with others is more small if we have the same army.
This are tooooooo much easy programing technics that will not convince peoples who like faire battles and want to build real strategy, and not just play with probabilities.
I don't want to have to be "civ3 certified" to get a chance to win !!!