I just had to share this with you:
At work, I'm being trained in windows scripting host, a kind of programming that allows you to perform different tasks within windows. So as a part of this training, I'll try to make a script that will automatically create folders, edit the civiliopdeia etc. when you make a scenario/mod! I'm working on my favourite game and get paid for it!
Ok, I'll guess it already exists scripts/programs that does the same, but I would like to try on my own, so don't tell me about them
At work, I'm being trained in windows scripting host, a kind of programming that allows you to perform different tasks within windows. So as a part of this training, I'll try to make a script that will automatically create folders, edit the civiliopdeia etc. when you make a scenario/mod! I'm working on my favourite game and get paid for it!

Ok, I'll guess it already exists scripts/programs that does the same, but I would like to try on my own, so don't tell me about them
