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Demographics screen

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  • Demographics screen

    EDIT: updated for info gained from CFC
    EDIT2: updated Approval Rating formula

    This is the way the demographics (in the F11 screen) are calculated. Thanks for helping me out!
    • Approval Rating (%)
      Rounddown (50% + ((Number of happy citizens) - (Number of unhappy citizens)) / (Total number of citizens) / 2 * 100%)
    • Population (# of people)
      Sum(i=1..N) {Pop in City(i)}

      Pop in City = {Sum (j=1..(City Size)) {j} + (Food in Storage) / (Storage Size)} * 10000
    • GNP (millions)
      1 million = 1 Commerce (before corruption)
    • Mfg. Goods (megatons)
      1 megaton = 1 shield
    • Land area (square miles)
      100 square miles = 1 territory tile (including sea tiles)
    • Literacy (%)
      (Citizens who live in a city with a Library + Citizens who live in a city with a University + Citizens who live in a city with a Research Lab) / 3 / (Total Number of Citizens) * 100% + (3% if Literature discovered)

      The following wonders count as Library, University and Research Lab: Great Library, Newton's, SETI Program, Theory of Evolution, Cure for Cancer, Internet.

      The following small wonders count as half a wonder: Apollo Program, Intelligence Agency.
    • Disease (%)
      (Number of Floodplains + Jungle in territory) / (Total Number of territory tiles) * 100%
    • Pollution (tons)
      1 ton = 1 polluted territory tile
    • Life Expectancy (# of years)
      20 + {(Citizens who live in a city with a Granary + Citizens who live in a city with a Aqueduct + Citizens who live in a city with a Hospital) / 3 / (Total Number of Citizens) * 80}
    • Family Size (# of children)
      Max {1, (Net Total Food) / (Number of Cities) / 2}
    • Military Service (# of years)
      (Number of Military Units with Attack > 0) / (Total Number of Citizens) * 10
    • Annual income (# per capita)
      1 + (Number of available Strategic and Luxury Resource Types) + (1 if you have a trade route)
    • Productivity (#)
      (Total Shields) - (Total Waste) + (Total Commerce) - (Total Corruption) + (Net Total Food)
    Last edited by BigFurryMonster; June 16, 2003, 15:49.
    Greatest moments in cat:

  • #2
    Land area (square miles) - 100 square miles = 1 tile ?

    GNP : 1 million = 1 commerce (including corruption)

    Productivity : apparently, commerce+shields+extra food - corruption - waste.

    Approval rating has to do with the # of happy and content people. Here is some data I have gathered :
    All content = 50% satisfaction
    1 happy, 2 content = 66%
    1 happy, 3 content = 62%
    2 happy, 2 content = 75%
    3 happy, 1 content = 87%
    My conclusion is that a X% of happy citizens add X/2 % of satisfaction, while Y% of unhappy citizens substract Y/2 % to satisfaction.
    The equation would be : satisfaction = [0.5 + 1/2(happy/total citizens) - 1/2(unhappy/total citizens)] * 100

    Family size depends directly of your growth rate, i.e your excess fod. Again, I don't know the formula.

    Military service : # of units / # of citizens. 1/1 means 10 years.
    "I have been reading up on the universe and have come to the conclusion that the universe is a good thing." -- Dissident
    "I never had the need to have a boner." -- Dissident
    "I have never cut off my penis when I was upset over a girl." -- Dis


    • #3
      interesting to see how some are calculated.


      • #4
        Yes: How the Demographics works

        I find the literacy demograhic useful for telling if civs on other continents have literature when you don't.


        • #5
          That helps. CFC is not 100% correct, but I was able to deduce the formulas.
          Greatest moments in cat:


          • #6
            Good work!
            No matter where you go, there you are. - Buckaroo Banzai
            "I played it [Civilization] for three months and then realised I hadn't done any work. In the end, I had to delete all the saved files and smash the CD." Iain Banks, author


            • #7
              Updated Approval Rating formula.
              Greatest moments in cat:


              • #8
                Thanks, it's actually useful to know how the demographics are really calculated!
                be free


                • #9

                  bananas, anyway.
                  I watched you fall. I think I pushed.


                  • #10
                    Instead of city-flipping, Civ3 could have workers defect to other civs if the demographics are attractive.

