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  • Horses

    we need to get a source of horses.
    I think RP has an extra source. we should work on getting it.
    "Do not honour the worthy, And the people will not compete. Do not value rare treasures, And people will not steal. Do not display what people want, And the people will not have their hearts confused. A sage governs this way: He empties peoples minds and fills their bellies. He weakens their wills and strengthens their bone. Keep the people always without knowledge and without desires, For then the clever will not dare act. Engage in no action and order will prevail."-Loazi "The Classic of The Way and Its Powers"

  • #2
    what do you think. horses will be a big help.
    "Do not honour the worthy, And the people will not compete. Do not value rare treasures, And people will not steal. Do not display what people want, And the people will not have their hearts confused. A sage governs this way: He empties peoples minds and fills their bellies. He weakens their wills and strengthens their bone. Keep the people always without knowledge and without desires, For then the clever will not dare act. Engage in no action and order will prevail."-Loazi "The Classic of The Way and Its Powers"


    • #3

      we will need a harbour to trade them. They said they are almost complete with their harbour. I don't believe we have one.


      • #4
        ok so could it get done? possible pop and or forest rush
        "Do not honour the worthy, And the people will not compete. Do not value rare treasures, And people will not steal. Do not display what people want, And the people will not have their hearts confused. A sage governs this way: He empties peoples minds and fills their bellies. He weakens their wills and strengthens their bone. Keep the people always without knowledge and without desires, For then the clever will not dare act. Engage in no action and order will prevail."-Loazi "The Classic of The Way and Its Powers"


        • #5
          We could take alittle gold out of the deal and add horses. we are giving them a good deal with only 220 gold
          "Do not honour the worthy, And the people will not compete. Do not value rare treasures, And people will not steal. Do not display what people want, And the people will not have their hearts confused. A sage governs this way: He empties peoples minds and fills their bellies. He weakens their wills and strengthens their bone. Keep the people always without knowledge and without desires, For then the clever will not dare act. Engage in no action and order will prevail."-Loazi "The Classic of The Way and Its Powers"


          • #6
            would be tough. And we need troops right now. GoW is bringing horses - I hope.
            Cry havoc and let slip the dogs of war .... aw, forget that nonsense. Beer, please.


            • #7
              The only places we could rush a harbour are Elipolis, Wittlich East, or Dissidentville. To use those horses we need to build horsemen somewhere. Dissidentville is the best place to pop-rush but with the road cut we will not be able to produce horsemen. Any horsemen production we do make will cut into warrior production for Immortals.


              • #8
                I don't think we are ready to war right now

                while that is probably also true of GS, if it is true of us, we have nothing to gain

                Jon Miller
                Jon Miller-
                I AM.CANADIAN
                GENERATION 35: The first time you see this, copy it into your sig on any forum and add 1 to the generation. Social experiment.


                • #9
                  Yes, it sure would be nice to have some horsemen and some galleys. That also gives GS more time to build. They may already have very productive cities that will be able to create charriots faster than we can take them out, considering that it takes us a long time to get new reinforcements down there.

                  We will only win against GS with good help from allies. I am thinking that we may be better of fighting side by side instead of GoW and ND trying causing chaos in the back.


                  • #10
                    I'm beginning not to trust GOW more and more after today's chat.

                    I'm having second thoughts about any kind of alliance. Well I never really supported it in the first place. But now I am more against it.


                    • #11
                      I would like to find out more about the chat. Anyone have chat log?


                      • #12
                        I am wondering if GoW is getting cold feet. They may not be any better off than we are and may be unwilling to commit more than just a token of units to the war, and that will not be enough.


                        • #13
                          Well, if it matters - the "little voice" in the back of my head is still screaming not to trust GoW." But I still can't put my finger on as to "why" we shouldn't trust them...
                          "One day if I do go to heaven, I'm going to do what every San Franciscan does who goes to heaven - I'll look around and say, 'It ain't bad, but it ain't San Francisco.'" - Herb Caen, 1996
                          "If God, as they say, is homophobic, I wouldn't worship that God." - Archbishop Desmond Tutu


                          • #14
                            because they aren't really helping us much

                            ti seems as if they are getting us ready from a stab from ND

                            they and ND have worked together before

                            Jon Milller
                            Jon Miller-
                            I AM.CANADIAN
                            GENERATION 35: The first time you see this, copy it into your sig on any forum and add 1 to the generation. Social experiment.


                            • #15
                              I see that too. They may just be trying to get our froces to the south and open up a second front. But who can we trust. Is there any insurance we can arrange??? Loan of gold, offer them a future tech??? I am unsure But i would hate to let this oppurtunity go by. I also think fighting GOW and ND would be a bigger mistake.
                              "Do not honour the worthy, And the people will not compete. Do not value rare treasures, And people will not steal. Do not display what people want, And the people will not have their hearts confused. A sage governs this way: He empties peoples minds and fills their bellies. He weakens their wills and strengthens their bone. Keep the people always without knowledge and without desires, For then the clever will not dare act. Engage in no action and order will prevail."-Loazi "The Classic of The Way and Its Powers"

