I am posting a draft plan here for the invasion of GS. Feel free to kick it around and make amendments.
With GS
We need to find out the timing on the tech trade. This will give us some idea of how much time we have. If it happens soon, we have to scramble. And 8-10 turn window would be nice.
We need to tell them we are researching Monarchy. If they think we are researching nothing, they will expect cash.
Can you bug them again about the 20 gold Jon. We could use it.
Remind them about the Lux treasury.
We also need to wait until they have converted to the republic. This will prevent them from pop rushing troops. I suspect they will actually convert back to Despotism when they see what is up, as they will only have one turn of anarchy being religious. Damn. Would have been nice to catch them in four turns of anarchy. As it is , they will endure two if they convert there and then back again.
With RP and Lego
Relations as normal.
With GoW and maybe NeuD
We reach an agreement to provide to them:
1. a city on Bob, after the attack on GS.
2. our free tech when we get it
3. they can sell our free tech to others; we will not
4. assistance in invading RP
5. 40 gold in 25 turns
They provide:
1. 3 galleys and 6 units each for the invasion of GS
2. 120 gold now
We agree to publicly denounce each other - in fact we should fill the forums with descriptions of conflict around Wittlich West - and a battle of attrition with losses on all sides. Vox would appear to be weakening - but holding our own. At this point we could even ask GS for a loan of gold for more Immortal conversions to pour into the hell-hole of war that Wittlich West has become.
The question here is whether NeuD would buy into the plan. I suspect they would.
We would also have to ensure there are units milling around up there in case a galley from GS or Lego floats by.
As above, we research nothing now - gold accumulation is 13 per turn - rising next turn with the growth of Wittlich East. We currently have 125 gold.
Military Production
The build up plan is in the move thread. We should have 5 spearmen, and 10-14 Immortals. If we reach agreement with the Bobians, we can also use the two Immortals there, and convert Wittlich West to producing another warrior. The actual production will become more evident over the next few turns. I will kep the tally updated so we know what we are working with.
Military Plan
Troop build up in Elipolis - or better yet - I tile south of it on the turn we are set to go. First Immortal takes out the GS warrior. Others are then two turns to Dissidentville.
Four turns after that - marching down the spine of the mountains - puts us on the mountain overlooking what I assume is their new city. We will also have a better view of the lay of the land. And some idea at what is comng at us. The plan will then likely see us taking that city out, and lining up the next one.
We should also send our galley with two units down the east shore. Land them on a hill or a mountain where they can cut a road or cause chaos. I presume GoW and NeuD will come down the west coast. Any thoughts on what timing works best? Ghengis saw us moving in first - drawing off the defenders - then they would move in. Simultaneous would work well as well.
Also - what kind of defence force do we leave around Dissidentville. They can get at it with chariots now, but if we had two immortals in the jungle in the shute leading up to it, we could cut them up as they approached. On the other hand - given the gamble this represents - we may not want to weaken the main attack force. A spearman in Dissidentville, maybe two , and there will be reinforcemets in the form of the current southern warriors who will beetle up north for conversion.
So - after we get to the first city - the situation will no doubt become 'fluid', as they say, and we will need to react to the situation.
With GS
We need to find out the timing on the tech trade. This will give us some idea of how much time we have. If it happens soon, we have to scramble. And 8-10 turn window would be nice.
We need to tell them we are researching Monarchy. If they think we are researching nothing, they will expect cash.
Can you bug them again about the 20 gold Jon. We could use it.
Remind them about the Lux treasury.
We also need to wait until they have converted to the republic. This will prevent them from pop rushing troops. I suspect they will actually convert back to Despotism when they see what is up, as they will only have one turn of anarchy being religious. Damn. Would have been nice to catch them in four turns of anarchy. As it is , they will endure two if they convert there and then back again.
With RP and Lego
Relations as normal.
With GoW and maybe NeuD
We reach an agreement to provide to them:
1. a city on Bob, after the attack on GS.
2. our free tech when we get it
3. they can sell our free tech to others; we will not
4. assistance in invading RP
5. 40 gold in 25 turns
They provide:
1. 3 galleys and 6 units each for the invasion of GS
2. 120 gold now
We agree to publicly denounce each other - in fact we should fill the forums with descriptions of conflict around Wittlich West - and a battle of attrition with losses on all sides. Vox would appear to be weakening - but holding our own. At this point we could even ask GS for a loan of gold for more Immortal conversions to pour into the hell-hole of war that Wittlich West has become.

The question here is whether NeuD would buy into the plan. I suspect they would.
We would also have to ensure there are units milling around up there in case a galley from GS or Lego floats by.
As above, we research nothing now - gold accumulation is 13 per turn - rising next turn with the growth of Wittlich East. We currently have 125 gold.
Military Production
The build up plan is in the move thread. We should have 5 spearmen, and 10-14 Immortals. If we reach agreement with the Bobians, we can also use the two Immortals there, and convert Wittlich West to producing another warrior. The actual production will become more evident over the next few turns. I will kep the tally updated so we know what we are working with.
Military Plan
Troop build up in Elipolis - or better yet - I tile south of it on the turn we are set to go. First Immortal takes out the GS warrior. Others are then two turns to Dissidentville.
Four turns after that - marching down the spine of the mountains - puts us on the mountain overlooking what I assume is their new city. We will also have a better view of the lay of the land. And some idea at what is comng at us. The plan will then likely see us taking that city out, and lining up the next one.
We should also send our galley with two units down the east shore. Land them on a hill or a mountain where they can cut a road or cause chaos. I presume GoW and NeuD will come down the west coast. Any thoughts on what timing works best? Ghengis saw us moving in first - drawing off the defenders - then they would move in. Simultaneous would work well as well.
Also - what kind of defence force do we leave around Dissidentville. They can get at it with chariots now, but if we had two immortals in the jungle in the shute leading up to it, we could cut them up as they approached. On the other hand - given the gamble this represents - we may not want to weaken the main attack force. A spearman in Dissidentville, maybe two , and there will be reinforcemets in the form of the current southern warriors who will beetle up north for conversion.
So - after we get to the first city - the situation will no doubt become 'fluid', as they say, and we will need to react to the situation.