3 - A long time ago we vowed to ourselves to avenge Vox's defeat in their war against GS. See, Vox had that kinda something that neither Spain nor Lego had in defeat. It wasn't pity, it wasn't compasion, it was laughter. You made us laugh in your cockyness, you made us laugh is your tragedy. You became that team that we knew would never betray us, not even when the survival of your protector was at stake. You know what would have happened had Voxian troops attacked ours at Stanwix? We would have lost that war. We are eternaly grateful and pledge to return your homeland as soon as possible. Just forgive us though if the radiation at Elipolis makes it a bit uninhabitable for the next, oh, 500 years or so.

In any case I suggest we continue to throw our weight covertly behind GoW. Outside of Lego, they've been the most honest team with us and they're by far our best ally now. We don't necessarily have to get into the war and jeopardize our relationship with GS, but we've played it officially neutral before and came out well.
