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The Cadogan Guide To Voxtavia

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  • The Cadogan Guide To Voxtavia

    This thread is designed to lay out the various thoughts and info about each of our cities on Voxtavia so that everyone who wants to can write out one of the guides. These are just preliminary ideas so far. If anyone wants to add anything go ahead and edit my post to add them.

    The New Voice

    - Founded 130bc by Legos.
    - Gifted to Vox that same turn.
    - Consists of a small valley surrounded by many mountains and hills.
    - Currently has palace, library, and Vox's first central marketplace.
    Last edited by Rhothaerill; December 16, 2003, 01:56.

  • #2

    - Founded 50ad
    - Rugged mountain men and fishermen are this settlement's primary inhabitants. They have to be in a city built in the hills and surrounded by mountains.
    - work in progress
    Last edited by Rhothaerill; December 16, 2003, 01:53.


    • #3

      - Founded 50ad
      - Home to a library for the growing amount of scholars of the new generation.
      - Gold discovered in the hills leads to a commerce boom.
      - Whales favored mating area discovered off the coast.
      - work in progress
      Last edited by Rhothaerill; December 16, 2003, 01:51.


      • #4

        - Founded 50ad
        - Iron discovered in the mountains.
        - Home to a harbor.
        - work in progress
        Last edited by Rhothaerill; December 16, 2003, 01:54.


        • #5

          - Founded 70ad
          - Location of the largest fishing industry on Voxtavia.
          - Currently home to a granary.
          - Many forests once dotted the land, but they were quickly chopped for homes and firewood in the cold mountain climate.
          - work in progress
          Last edited by Rhothaerill; December 16, 2003, 01:47.


          • #6

            - Founded 70ad
            - Home to Voxtavia's first harbor.
            - Much gold found in the mountains.
            - work in progress
            Last edited by Rhothaerill; December 16, 2003, 01:52.


            • #7

              - Founded 70ad
              - City in the hills.
              - Wild horses were discovered and tamed by the first settlers.
              - Soon to be home to a harbor.
              - work in progress
              Last edited by Rhothaerill; December 16, 2003, 01:49.


              • #8

                - Founded 70ad
                - Surrounded by mountains and forest. The forests are currently being chopped for more homes to be built across the land.
                - work in progress
                Last edited by Rhothaerill; December 16, 2003, 01:56.


                • #9
                  Panama Vox

                  - Founded 150ad
                  - Located on a large desert.
                  - The desert gives a great beach atmosphere.
                  - Home to many of our fine scientists who find the relaxed atmosphere fitting to their thought patterns.
                  - work in progress


                  • #10
                    Rhoth - great stuff. Many thanks. I will start with the bottom of the list and do Panama Vox first.
                    Cry havoc and let slip the dogs of war .... aw, forget that nonsense. Beer, please.


                    • #11
                      So I was slightly bored and decided to write out the news article about the opening of our borders for trade. It's a first draft only, but what do you guys think?

                      Voxtavia Opens It’s Borders
                      by Rhothaerill (RhothSPIN Press)

                      The New Voice, Voxtavia - Following many decades of long, hard work, The One has proclaimed the borders of Voxtavia open to the world for trade.

                      “This is a special moment for all of our fine citizens,” proclaimed The One in a extraordinary public announcement. “Our forebears came to this land with naught but the clothes on their backs and the rusty swords of the few that survived the war. They had nothing, and they were faced with life in this harsh and unforgiving land. But they moved forward. They did not quit in the face of this great adversity. They worked hard, and they passed on this work ethic to their descendants. And now I stand before you today, proud of my countrymen and our ancestors, for I give you the rebirth of Vox Controli!

                      I wish to extend my personal invitation to my fellow world leaders: Wise Legos of Legoland, Chief Stormbringer of Gathering Storm, Glorious Warmonger of Glory of War, La Reina Isabella of Espana and Sultan Fritz Demogypt of Neu_Demogyptica to join we of Voxtavia in our celebration.”

                      Following the announcement RhothSPIN press was invited to a special tour of the brand new harbors recently completed in the cities of Renewal and Irony and the opening ceremonies for those accomplishments. And what a treat. Our party arrived just as the first sailing ship arrived to anchor in the new port, the first to do so since the Great Voxodus decades ago.

                      Speaking to a crowded sea of Voxtavian citizens during the ceremony, The One once again provided his exemplary oratory. “My friends, I have said it before, but this is a fine day for we of Voxtavia. When our forebears landed on these shores they found no natural port on this barren rock. The shallow draft galleys of the day barely made it to the shores to unload our people. The few seagoing trade ships that braved the waters to find us were by necessity forced to anchor far away from shore to avoid the treacherous shoals. Many nations abandoned trade with us, and rightly so. We did not even have a central marketplace for them to display their wares. Trade with other nations was slowed practically to a halt.

                      The fine incense of our former land was lost to us, and this new land of Voxtavia provided no recourse. We have done without all these many years, but no more shall we be forced to watch in displeasure as the richly laden trading ships of others pass us by. We and our forebears have worked hard to build these harbors and a centralized marketplace in the New Voice, and from this day on those trading ships will not pass us by in favor of easier ports of call. Those trading ships will stop here, and dock on our land. And we will once more trade with other lands. My friends, I give you our harbors!”

                      At these words cheers rang out from the throng of Voxtavians, and I must confess a single tear fell from my own eye, as I too am a proud citizen of Voxtavia.

                      Later in the day RhothSPIN Press was able to sit down with The One for a short chat about the future of Voxtavia in the wake of the opening of its borders.

                      “Well we obviously hope that we will see an influx of new trade and tourism. We are finally set to handle it all. We have a lot to offer tourists, not the least of which our favored sports downhill skiing and mountain climbing. We are also hoping that with this new trade and tourism will come those seeking a new life and a new start in our land. We ourselves received a new start many years ago and we offer the same to any who wish it. Privately, I’m expecting a population boom in the years to come.

                      Also, I’d like to remind our readers of another upcoming event. Many of our fine scholars and historians, including yourself, have labored the last few years in putting together what we like to call The Cadogan Guide to Voxtavia. Spurred by the opening of our borders for trade and tourism, we wish to let the world know about our small but fine nation and it’s history. Look for it soon.”
                      Last edited by Rhothaerill; December 18, 2003, 01:51.


                      • #12
                        Absolutely superb! A Voxian after my own heart!
                        Cry havoc and let slip the dogs of war .... aw, forget that nonsense. Beer, please.


                        • #13
                          Thanks. I'd like to see us write up at least one or two of the Cadogan Guide entries before posting it in the main forum. Also, you said you wanted to finish your pictoral guide first.


                          • #14
                            I was just thinking that maybe I will post this when we send the save on. Good timing.


                            • #15
                              Finally had time to write this. I figured I'd post it here fro suggestions and comments before posting for general consumption again.

                              The Cadogan Guide To Voxtavia

                              The New Voice

                              Upon first glance it would appear to an observer that The New Voice is a city unfit to be named capitol of a great nation. Originally a Voxian refugee camp in the latter days of the Estonia/Stormia war, The New Voice is a young city. The capitol cities of the other great nations of the world are literally thousands of years old and steeped in long histories of wars, betrayals, and governmental coups. The New Voice, by contrast, is barely five centuries old and was not even built by the citizens that dwell there now.

                              The New Voice is situated in The Vale of Soft Voices, surrounded by the high peaks of The Peaks of Everlast at the center of Voxtavia. Travel to The New Voice is not easy as there are but two passages into and out of the vale. In the early days on Voxtavia, barbarous bandits roamed the mountains and threatened all travelers to and from the Vale. One last task remained for the remnants of the Voxian army to extinguish these bandits to allow for the lengthy construction of roads through the mountain passes. The way is perilous as the first roads were hewn literally through the rock of the craggy foothills of the Peaks of Everlast. But they are now safe even for the many caravans that now ply the north pass to Renewal for transport to nations beyond. Once you make your way through one of the passes you are greeted with a truly breathtaking sight.

                              Surrounded by the often snow-capped tips of the Peaks of Everlast, The Vale of Soft Voices is a haven of calm. The storms that rage from the north to feed the fertile grasslands of Hope and provide the deep snow packs for the skiers of Renewal and Resurrection often expend themselves fully before reaching The Vale of Soft Voices. Enough moisture still feeds the Vale to give the look of a verdant land without suffering the fury of the northern storms. The sun shines down upon the high Vale and reflects off the snow of the Peaks of Everlast to give the entire Vale a radiant glow as if kissed by the sun.

                              If you have seen the other cities of Voxtavia, then you will be surprised at the look of The New Voice as you approach. Unlike the other cities, The New Voice has an angular and blocky feel to it, reminiscent of the great Lego cities of the south. For indeed The New Voice was built by the Legos themselves. In the midst of the great Voxodus five centuries ago, the friendly Lego Builders built for the nation of Vox Controli this city as a meeting place and home for the citizens during the construction of their new cities and safe roads to those cities.

                              Unlike the ancient Estonian cities, that were designed with war in mind, The New Voice is laid out in perfect concentric circles as befits the orderly minds of the Legos and their desire of peace for Voxians. Predicting the eventual needs of the Voxians, the exact center of the city was reserved for trade. So the tale goes, the Legos predicted that one day those of Vox Controli would give up their warlike ways and become peaceful traders, interested in commerce and research. How right they were as with the opening of the Voxian borders the centralized One Bazaar teems with traders from other lands seeking the wares of Voxtavia. Once a barren stretch of land, The One Bazaar is now home to all manner of merchants offering goods never before seen outside the lands of Voxtavia, and their counterparts offering to Voxians items from other lands. All day and long into the night one can travel to the One Bazaar and hear the many merchants hawking their wares for this is truly the loudest area of The New Voice.

                              Ringing the One Bazaar is the newly named Foreign Quarter. Home to many newly built inns and taverns that cater almost exclusively to merchants from other nations, the foreign quarter is also home to new forms of entertainment the world has discovered and recently brought to Voxtavia. The Voxians of the past centuries have not known the term ‘night-life’ as other nations know it, but this new element is slowly being introduced back into Voxian vocabulary. Most citizens still stay in their homes at night, but there is a growing contingent of young citizens that are joining in the various games the night-life has to offer such as chicken racing. It is technically illegal, but it has created a strong following and the city watch has not been overly diligent in stamping it out…probably because many of them enjoy chicken racing as well.

                              Standing close to an outcropping of the Peaks of Everlast, and far from noise of the One Bazaar stands the most important historical structure of The New Voice, one that was built with the distinctive style carried by the Voxian refugees from their former homes on Estonia. When the last refugees of Estonia prepared for the journey to this new land, of paramount importance were the histories and teachings of their ancestors. The Voxian Chronicles wove in great detail the long and storied history of the nation of Vox Controli. Included were the many great feats of research, the sad saga of the nation of Lux Invicta, and even tales of war with Gathering Storm. Above all else, these were saved and passed on to the descendants of Vox Controli. They now rest in a place of honor inside The Library of Eternity where all can go to view copies of this great literary work and all others brought over from Estonia lo those many years ago. Even as I speak, scribes work diligently to copy these works for greater distribution to the other cities of Voxtavia for the new generation hungers for the knowledge their ancestors knew, the better to prepare themselves to lead the way in the future. The Library of Eternity is truly an amazing structure, built with loving care by our ancestors to house the one gift they still had left to give us.

                              And that brings us to the last stop on our tour, the palace of The One. The first stones of the palace were laid down by the Legos who built The New Voice, but the palace has been completed and expanded with the unique building style that is inherently Voxian. The office of The One is stark and austere, as befits the leader of a stark nation. The only ornamentation beyond his desk and chair is a shelf upon which sits a 400 year old bottle of Dom Zenignon 10bc, a gift from the Glory of War upon arriving in Voxtavia. It is from here that The One lays down his policies for the future growth of the nation.

                              And grow the nation has done. Exiled from the shores of Estonia after the failed war, the nation of Vox Controli has survived and even thrived in its new land. Faced with life on a rock, or no life at all, Vox Controli has chosen life. From its beginning days as a refugee camp to become the capitol of a young and thriving nation, The New Voice has withstood the test of time. Its people are hardy and consider mountain climbing and skiing the snowy slopes of the Peaks of Everlast near Renewal and Resurrection to be both their pastimes and their luxuries. The citizens of The New Voice are not as vocal a people as they once were in the old homeland, but they are content with their lives they now know. Peace and a fresh start have led to burgeoning prosperity for The New Voice and all of Voxtavia. Taking their example from the Legos that built the city and remained behind to join with the Voxian settlers, they go about their lives with a diligence, determined not to waste the second chance and the time given to them. Remaining neutral in the affairs of the world after a long history of war and bloodshed has changed the mind-set of the citizens of Voxtavia to one of peace and, with the opening of trade routes, commerce. If any city could, The New Voice reflects this newfound outlook on life by the citizens. Perhaps The New Voice will never compete with the ancient and grand cities of other nations, but for the people of Vox Controli, it is home.

