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GS's Peace Treaty Revisions

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  • GS's Peace Treaty Revisions

    (Sent to Eli, Jon, and Beta, in probably two parts. Apolyton has been flaky today, so my apologies if you end up with multiple copies of part of this.)

    Greetings People of Vox Controli,

    It is with mixed feelings that I look upon this day. I am happy that there is hope for a speedy end to this war, but, but saddened that the kind of close relationship that once seemed to make sharing our small continent practical no longer exists.

    Since receiving Eli's proposal, several of us in Gathering Storm have taken an active interest in how best to conduct Vox's evacuation. Our goals are not only to make the evacuation rapid, but also to help you regain prosperity as quickly as practical. In particular, one idea that occurred to us is that a combinaiton of a free palace jump to the other continent and a city-gift teleport (putting your units in a city, giving the city to us, and having the units automatically go to your new capital) could get all of your forces provided for under the treaty away without a need to build additional galleys. More importantly, it could make it practical to build settlers in your current core and use them to set up additional cities in your new core quickly. (That could be especially important in avoiding financial disaster from upkeep costs with how many units you want to keep - especially since workers also count as units.) And eliminating the need for additional galleys should speed up the process as well.

    Regarding Eli's peace proposal, we would like to see it revised as follows:

    1. Vox will have up to 18 turns, or until workers and settlers equaling its current population (with settlers counting as two pop points), whichever comes first, to evacuate. During that time, only workers and settlers will be produced unless Gathering Storm grants an exception for some special purpose. (This addresses both your fear of not having time to get enough out and our belief that it should be possible.)

    3. When leaving, Vox promises not to raze any of it's worked tiles or remaining cities. (This includes abandoning cities by building settlers without GS's consent.) Vox also agrees not to sell any city improvements other than barracks and cultural improvements. (We don't want to spend huge amounts of gold or shields replacing improvements you can get just a handful of pocket change for selling.)

    4. Vox will not allow any landings of forces other than GS on it's territory during the evacuation period. Any such forces already there will be asked to leave. (The original version referred to "hostile" forces, leaving an at least theoretically interesting loophole regarding forces claiming not to be hostile.)

    8. Up to 2 GS War Chariots may patrol Voxian territory during the evacuation. GS and Vox will attempt to minimize interference between GS's patrols and Vox's unit movements. Aside from warriors needed as MPs to address happiness problems, Vox will keep its units outside its cities to avoid ambiguities in verifying numbers and types of troops. (Verification would be worthless in a city showing a veteran pike, and not worth much more in a city showing a veteran spear or veteran or elite immortal. Also, concern about freedom of movement runs in both directions.)


    And some additional provisions:

    11. Vox will not use pop rushing in any city without GS's approval. (Assuming you want to evacuate as much population as possible, pop rushing will not be in your best interest anyhow, and we prefer not to inherit unhappiness from additional pop rushing.)

    12. Vox will give Gathering Storm Engineering when research on that is completed. (Were it not for your attack on us and all the gold we had to spend rushing troops to defend ourselves in the early stages, we would almost certainly have researched it ourselves long ago. We would therefore consider it grossly unfair for you to try to charge us for it, nor would your simply refusing to provide it to us at all remedy the problem. Receiving Engineering from you would also help make up for the huge loss we took on Feudalism, a loss which we believe to have been caused in part by other civs' reluctance to make deals that would provide us with gold to fight you with. We therefore regard getting Engineering from you as a matter of simple justice.)

    13. If applicable, Vox will sell or trade its free industrial and modern techs to Gathering Storm on terms at least as favorable as those on which it provides them to any other nation. This includes giving Gathering Storm an equal opportunity to pay with techs or other commodities rather than gold. Commitments required in return for land in your new home will not count in this regard, however. (This protects against your making excessive demands for thoe techs as a way to exact revenge, just in case you might consider such a thing, while providing you with reasonable compensation. It is my hope, however, that our teams will be on good enough terms to make this provision mostly superfluous.)

    14. Vox will at no time now or in the future initiate, participate in, or encourage any embargo against GS in any matters of trade whatsoever. This includes, but is not limited to, Technology, Luxuries, Resources, Maps, or any other material or immaterial elements of the PTWDG. It applies both to formal embargos and informal arrangements or understandings that would tend to have a similar effect. (Again, I hope we're just being paranoid.)

    15. If any former Voxian city transferred to GS attempts to flip back to Vox, Vox will reject the city when asked. Should a mistake be made in handling that, or if some quirk of MP prevents you from having an opportunity to reject the flip, Vox will immediately gift the city back to GS. (The purpose of this one is obvious. )

    16. The city of Dissidentville will be an exception to the 18-turn evacuation period. Vox will either hand over or abandon Dissidentville (in the latter case, probably by disbanding with a settler sped up by disbanding units), at GS's choice, within the next seven turns. Should this provision undercut Vox's ability to evacuate population equivalent to its current population within 18 turns, GS will grant a suitable extension to compensate. (Dissidentville adds very little to your production capacity, and it's close enough to our core that we'd rather get a city there going sooner.)

    17. It is understood by both sides that the spirit of this agreement that is important, not just its letter. Neither side will attempt to use technicalities to take unfair advantage of the other or to circumvent the intent of the agreement. (Self-evident, I hope.)


    We think these modifications are reasonable and, aside from your reluctance to give us Engineering, not outside the spirit of Eli's proposal. Indeed, it is our hope that we can help you build a stronger core more quickly in your new home than you had expected to manage. We also hope that diplomatic and trade relations between our civs can be normalized once close proximity on a too-small land mass is no longer a source of contention. Perhaps absence can, as the saying goes, make the heart grow fonder.


    The People of Gathering Storm
    Nathan Barclay, Chief Economist

    "Beware of he who would deny you access to information, for in his heart he dreams himself your master" - Commissioner Pravin Lal.

  • #2
    We'll need a chat with team representatives from both sides that will have the power to accept or not accept the agreement. This way if we spend 2 days on discussing every version and a day on polling and then send the revised one to the other team, only to repeat the process, it will take too long.
    "Beware of he who would deny you access to information, for in his heart he dreams himself your master" - Commissioner Pravin Lal.


    • #3
      I'm ok with most of it. Clause 13 seems a bit strange. Paraphrased - they don't want us to overcharge them in future deals.

      This may be really difficult to govern a few turns out. It also could really hamper any trading advantage we might be able to develop in the future. And what will GS do if we do not comply?

      Not that I am suggesting we won't want to trade - just not sure why it has to be 'legislated'.
      Cry havoc and let slip the dogs of war .... aw, forget that nonsense. Beer, please.


      • #4
        Well, my main heart-burn is with clause 14. It is just stupid to demand that, for the rest of the game, we can not participate in any embargos against GS...I am surprised that they didn't put in a clause demanding that we cannot go to war against GS for the rest of the game - afterall, it's basically the same damned difference.
        Last edited by Wittlich; June 18, 2003, 12:31.
        "One day if I do go to heaven, I'm going to do what every San Franciscan does who goes to heaven - I'll look around and say, 'It ain't bad, but it ain't San Francisco.'" - Herb Caen, 1996
        "If God, as they say, is homophobic, I wouldn't worship that God." - Archbishop Desmond Tutu


        • #5
          Witt. I agree, 14 is stupid.

          I'll post my detailed reservations a bit later.
          "Beware of he who would deny you access to information, for in his heart he dreams himself your master" - Commissioner Pravin Lal.


          • #6
            Ah, and how about clause 15?! What GS is basically saying is that GS wants to have the culture-flipping tool which is built into the game ignored. Come on! If they are so worried about one of our former cities flipping back to us, they can just starve them to a size 1 and build cultural improvements in them. Basta. Problem solved. Any how, wouldn't all of our cities on Estonia be at size 1 when we hand them over to GS? If this is the case, then cultural flipping will be remote at best...I think they just want to ignore having to culturally improve those cities.

            I have a better idea for clause 15 - if by the remote possiblity, one of the cites does culture flip, we raise it to the ground, since it would be evident that GS could not handle the management of the city in question!
            Of course I joke. I guess if one of our former cities flip, we just don't accept it and it turns into a barbarian city...fine by me.

            However if one of GS's cities culture-flip (that was NOT one of our former cities) then this clause should have no effect, since the clause is for the cities that we give them. Do I understand this correctly?

            EDIT: Just reread Clause 15 - Yes, this clause only effects those cities that we hand over to GS. OK. I can live with it.
            "One day if I do go to heaven, I'm going to do what every San Franciscan does who goes to heaven - I'll look around and say, 'It ain't bad, but it ain't San Francisco.'" - Herb Caen, 1996
            "If God, as they say, is homophobic, I wouldn't worship that God." - Archbishop Desmond Tutu


            • #7
              Re: GS's Peace Treaty Revisions

              Last edited by Eli; June 18, 2003, 13:23.
              "Beware of he who would deny you access to information, for in his heart he dreams himself your master" - Commissioner Pravin Lal.


              • #8
                Re: GS's Peace Treaty Revisions

                (I write it as if i'm replying to GS)

                Originally posted by Eli

                Greetings People of Vox Controli,

                1. Vox will have up to 18 turns, or until workers and settlers equaling its current population (with settlers counting as two pop points), whichever comes first, to evacuate. During that time, only workers and settlers will be produced unless Gathering Storm grants an exception for some special purpose. (This addresses both your fear of not having time to get enough out and our belief that it should be possible.)

                Sounds good, but we also need to account for population growth during the first ~10 turns or so.

                3. When leaving, Vox promises not to raze any of it's worked tiles or remaining cities. (This includes abandoning cities by building settlers without GS's consent.)

                Hmmmm... We can live with that, I guess.

                Vox also agrees not to sell any city improvements other than barracks and cultural improvements. (We don't want to spend huge amounts of gold or shields replacing improvements you can get just a handful of pocket change for selling.)


                4. Vox will not allow any landings of forces other than GS on it's territory during the evacuation period. Any such forces already there will be asked to leave. (The original version referred to "hostile" forces, leaving an at least theoretically interesting loophole regarding forces claiming not to be hostile.)


                8. Up to 2 GS War Chariots may patrol Voxian territory during the evacuation. GS and Vox will attempt to minimize interference between GS's patrols and Vox's unit movements. Aside from warriors needed as MPs to address happiness problems, Vox will keep its units outside its cities to avoid ambiguities in verifying numbers and types of troops. (Verification would be worthless in a city showing a veteran pike, and not worth much more in a city showing a veteran spear or veteran or elite immortal. Also, concern about freedom of movement runs in both directions.)

                Not possible. We dont have enough Warriors.

                And some additional provisions:

                11. Vox will not use pop rushing in any city without GS's approval. (Assuming you want to evacuate as much population as possible, pop rushing will not be in your best interest anyhow, and we prefer not to inherit unhappiness from additional pop rushing.)


                12. Vox will give Gathering Storm Engineering when research on that is completed. (Were it not for your attack on us and all the gold we had to spend rushing troops to defend ourselves in the early stages, we would almost certainly have researched it ourselves long ago. We would therefore consider it grossly unfair for you to try to charge us for it, nor would your simply refusing to provide it to us at all remedy the problem. Receiving Engineering from you would also help make up for the huge loss we took on Feudalism, a loss which we believe to have been caused in part by other civs' reluctance to make deals that would provide us with gold to fight you with. We therefore regard getting Engineering from you as a matter of simple justice.)

                Ok, it will take lots of time though. So it's up for you to decide if the wait is worth it.

                13. If applicable, Vox will sell or trade its free industrial and modern techs to Gathering Storm on terms at least as favorable as those on which it provides them to any other nation. This includes giving Gathering Storm an equal opportunity to pay with techs or other commodities rather than gold. Commitments required in return for land in your new home will not count in this regard, however. (This protects against your making excessive demands for thoe techs as a way to exact revenge, just in case you might consider such a thing, while providing you with reasonable compensation. It is my hope, however, that our teams will be on good enough terms to make this provision mostly superfluous.)


                14. Vox will at no time now or in the future initiate, participate in, or encourage any embargo against GS in any matters of trade whatsoever. This includes, but is not limited to, Technology, Luxuries, Resources, Maps, or any other material or immaterial elements of the PTWDG. It applies both to formal embargos and informal arrangements or understandings that would tend to have a similar effect. (Again, I hope we're just being paranoid.)

                Would you have agreed to a term that obliges you to not wage war against, for example, RP "at no time now or in the future"?
                We dont plan any embargoes and you dont plan wars with RP, but it may happen and it's not an option we want to block.

                15. If any former Voxian city transferred to GS attempts to flip back to Vox, Vox will reject the city when asked. Should a mistake be made in handling that, or if some quirk of MP prevents you from having an opportunity to reject the flip, Vox will immediately gift the city back to GS. (The purpose of this one is obvious. )


                16. The city of Dissidentville will be an exception to the 18-turn evacuation period. Vox will either hand over or abandon Dissidentville (in the latter case, probably by disbanding with a settler sped up by disbanding units), at GS's choice, within the next seven turns. Should this provision undercut Vox's ability to evacuate population equivalent to its current population within 18 turns, GS will grant a suitable extension to compensate. (Dissidentville adds very little to your production capacity, and it's close enough to our core that we'd rather get a city there going sooner.)


                17. It is understood by both sides that the spirit of this agreement that is important, not just its letter. Neither side will attempt to use technicalities to take unfair advantage of the other or to circumvent the intent of the agreement. (Self-evident, I hope.)

                Last edited by Eli; June 18, 2003, 13:22.
                "Beware of he who would deny you access to information, for in his heart he dreams himself your master" - Commissioner Pravin Lal.


                • #9
                  Looks good to me Eli.
                  "One day if I do go to heaven, I'm going to do what every San Franciscan does who goes to heaven - I'll look around and say, 'It ain't bad, but it ain't San Francisco.'" - Herb Caen, 1996
                  "If God, as they say, is homophobic, I wouldn't worship that God." - Archbishop Desmond Tutu


                  • #10
                    Eli, did you see my post a few days ago in the evacuation thread about rearranging things a bit? I think it will allow us to teleport much quicker but it does require that Voice be abandoned to get the free palace move. In the second paragraph of Nathan's message at the top of this thread he recognized that a palace jump can be considered so they should realize that Voice may need to be abandoned. How about sending my post to GS to see what they say.

                    We also have a problem with the units in the south. We can not get them north without galleys as long as GS holds Elipolis. I think Dissidentville is still at pop 1. I saw we sell the barracks there, move all our southern units into Dissidentville and then gift the city to GS. That will teleport our units to the north and allow us to comply with item 16.


                    • #11
                      Eli, did you see my post a few days ago in the evacuation thread about rearranging things a bit? I think it will allow us to teleport much quicker but it does require that Voice be abandoned to get the free palace move. In the second paragraph of Nathan's message at the top of this thread he recognized that a palace jump can be considered so they should realize that Voice may need to be abandoned. How about sending my post to GS to see what they say.

                      I think the problem with the palace jumping in your plan was that you assumed it will jump to Legos Minor while we still hold cities on N. Estonia.
                      "Then we disband Voice so our capital moves to Legos Minor....Once the new cities are founded we gift the remaining Estonia cities to GS. "

                      I dont know what's the Palace Jump rule is. Maybe the biggest city gets the palace, or the one that was built second(or third if it's a second jump), but I'm certain that unless the city on LM is our only city except The Voice, we wont get a palace there.

                      Also, why do you need to disband The Voice to make a palace jump? We can let GS conquer it.

                      We also have a problem with the units in the south. We can not get them north without galleys as long as GS holds Elipolis. I think Dissidentville is still at pop 1. I saw we sell the barracks there, move all our southern units into Dissidentville and then gift the city to GS. That will teleport our units to the north and allow us to comply with item 16.

                      Great idea.
                      "Beware of he who would deny you access to information, for in his heart he dreams himself your master" - Commissioner Pravin Lal.


                      • #12
                        Harry - great idea. And while we move them there - we can see about taking Arashi - oops sorry. Slipped up there. Yes, yes, the teleport thing.

                        *Beta carries his rusty sword to the backyard, grumbling under his breath.

                        Eli - as to warriors and cities in the north - it should not be an issue - only Wittlich really needs one now. But it will take awhile for him to get there. I wouldn't make too big a deal out of this. And indicate that if we do need to use a spear, it will be for a turn or two only.

                        I would hate to see this go off the rails now over this point.
                        Cry havoc and let slip the dogs of war .... aw, forget that nonsense. Beer, please.


                        • #13
                          Ok. Beta, can you send nbarclay our official reply? And maybe invitation to a chat, so agree on the remaining small points.
                          "Beware of he who would deny you access to information, for in his heart he dreams himself your master" - Commissioner Pravin Lal.


                          • #14
                            The palace jump goes to the largest city. If multiple cities are the same (largest) size then it goes to the one with the most culture (at least that is how it worked on a few simple tests I did one time).

                            Legos has said they can send a worker with the settler to build the new city so it will be size 2. If we can get the other cities down to size 1 then the palace will jump to Legos Minor. I used abandon of Voice to do the jump instead of GS conquering Voice because it is under our control. Also for GS to conquer Voice it means they will need to move units past our other cities to get there and divide their force. I would rather have them stay in Elipolis until we gift them the rest of the cities.

                            Maybe I should write up my plan in step by step detail. I will need to know what turn Legos can settle our city and that it can be size 2. I will also need a save so I can get current production information for all of our cities. I can work on this Friday evening and Saturday if someone can get the info from Lego and a save to me by then.


                            • #15
                              Legos has said they can send a worker with the settler to build the new city so it will be size 2.

                              For the purposes of pop-rushing a Spearman, to defend the city from the huge bunch of Barbarians on Lego Minor.
                              "Beware of he who would deny you access to information, for in his heart he dreams himself your master" - Commissioner Pravin Lal.

