OK - another option. We are still in despotism. We can produce galleys (we have 2 now and one more in two turns) and settlers very quickly via poprushing.
I say 6 galleys - 6 settlers - all our workers - and pikemen - and we move to Legos minor which has been mentioned by vondrack. Ironically it was the intended home of Lux.
We could also reach agreement with GoW whereby we off load a number of units close by on Bob, and then the galleys will come back and pick them up after they do the trip with the first load.
This option is also viable with a peace option where we give up the land south of Elipolis. It would split the country - but we could start work on a forbidden palace on Legos minor.
Any thoughts?
I say 6 galleys - 6 settlers - all our workers - and pikemen - and we move to Legos minor which has been mentioned by vondrack. Ironically it was the intended home of Lux.

We could also reach agreement with GoW whereby we off load a number of units close by on Bob, and then the galleys will come back and pick them up after they do the trip with the first load.
This option is also viable with a peace option where we give up the land south of Elipolis. It would split the country - but we could start work on a forbidden palace on Legos minor.
Any thoughts?