OK. The war ain't gonna be a short one. And neither do I think we are going to be wiped out tomorrow. It will take some time for GoW and RP to amass sufficient forces to make a difference. Ditto for us. We need pikemen and knights.
GoW's plan to hold chivalry back from GS should gives us a window. We have a harbor in 5 turns after this. I will start pressuring NeuD for horses. We can use the same technique as Immortals. We build horsemen, and then upgrade to knights.
But - in the meantime - how about some more cities? South Estonia still has some nice sites. Both Harry and Kon have come up with reasonable plans we can dust off and take a look at. Elipolis and The Voice are good candidates for producing settlers. (Elipolis because as it grows, its choice of tiles to use gets limited.) I don't want to diminish Wittlich City or Miller Town's production capacity. Both are at 10 shields now which works well.
I also think there is still good potential to put a city north of the Voice - on the woods tile on the coast. Still lots of unused tiles up there - and corruption will be minimal. And if the Voice continues to produce settlers and the ocasional worker - it will not need all the tiles. It is our only granary city - we should optimize its use.
And - a library or two in key cities would boost our science output.
Maybe I will be a better builder than I was a war strategist...
(if we had only attacked 15-20 turns sooner...)
There - a few of my thoughts. What do you think?
GoW's plan to hold chivalry back from GS should gives us a window. We have a harbor in 5 turns after this. I will start pressuring NeuD for horses. We can use the same technique as Immortals. We build horsemen, and then upgrade to knights.
But - in the meantime - how about some more cities? South Estonia still has some nice sites. Both Harry and Kon have come up with reasonable plans we can dust off and take a look at. Elipolis and The Voice are good candidates for producing settlers. (Elipolis because as it grows, its choice of tiles to use gets limited.) I don't want to diminish Wittlich City or Miller Town's production capacity. Both are at 10 shields now which works well.
I also think there is still good potential to put a city north of the Voice - on the woods tile on the coast. Still lots of unused tiles up there - and corruption will be minimal. And if the Voice continues to produce settlers and the ocasional worker - it will not need all the tiles. It is our only granary city - we should optimize its use.
And - a library or two in key cities would boost our science output.
Maybe I will be a better builder than I was a war strategist...

There - a few of my thoughts. What do you think?