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For Discussion: An Alliance with GoW against GS

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  • For Discussion: An Alliance with GoW against GS

    This proposal is based on a chat I had with MasterZen, GoW's new Minister of Foreign Affair's.

    First, we seal the deal for an Alliance (defensive) against ND.

    Then we enter into an Alliance with them against GS. GoW would want to make this a three way Alliance with Vox included.

    We provide 4 units, possibly 2 swords and 2 med inf, carried on two galleys. To be ready in 12 turns. They provide 4 (or possibly 6) units and gift us their Map if we can have them ready in 12 turns.

    We'd have to rush the 2nd Galley; this is why they'd gift us the Map. We'd have to spend Gold to either Upgrade Our two Warriors to Med Inf or Upgrade 2 Swordsmen.

    GS is a big target right now. If they make it through Vox's Immortal attack, they will be a force to be reckoned with since they will take over all of Estonia. We are not in an idea situation for war right now, though we do have an excess number of units. With a Defensive Alliance against ND, we can afford to send 4 units to GS. The question is, can we afford to do it in 12 turns?

  • #2
    At the 670BC save GS has 219 score points and Vox 104. That means GS roughly the double of the production Vox has. Vox army is still stronger than us, but GS has become average (they were weak until the last turn). If Vox have to win, they have to win soon. Anyway, our help would be just an small one. Don't think that if we send 4 units we will make much difference. This is just to annoy GS a bit but the greatest effort would still have to be Vox's. And of course we can count these 4 units as lost. However, this could make the small difference Vox needs to win if both sides are very equilibrated.

    On the other side, remember that with Madrid online sending more troops would make us vulnerable to a possible ND attack.

    Another thing that has me intrigued is that we haven't still seen any of the sides losing any city since the war started. On the contrary, both of them have won a city. Could they just be acting the full thing?
    "Never trust a man who puts your profit before his own profit." - Grand Nagus Zek, Star Trek Deep Space Nine, episode 11
    "A communist is someone who has read Marx and Lenin. An anticommunist is someone who has understood Marx and Lenin." - Ronald Reagan (1911-2004)


    • #3
      I borought this over from the Diplomacs-PM's section so that we may discuss it here. I have to think about it a little before I can comment.

      The Eclipse
      Nuclear Winterius III

      My dear friend. How are you? I trust the people of Spain and their esteemed leader Togas survived the recent eclipse which encompassed the known world. It was a strange time - with little contact bewteen people - and time moving in slow motion. It is good that it has passed. I can only assume that it was the power of the Almight and the faith of his servants of the Catholic Church which removed this curse from the world. e thank you for this.

      To business. During this unusual phenomenom, we did receive one message from you - as follows:

      "My friend Beta,
      Our King is considering an attack on the common enemy,
      the GS, in order to help our friends from Vox Controli.
      IF we did this, we would coordinate our efforts with GoW
      in an attempt to create another frontline thus dividing
      GS´s army. We have been discussing the Engineering deal
      quite a bit. We are concerned as our economy is not
      strong right now, however, our soldiers are, so we think
      that engineering could be offered as a gift to us in
      such an event.(By the way,Our military counselors also
      asked if the Voxian Army will attack the fortress named
      as Arashi, or what directions will Vox take, so that we
      can orientate our Plans).
      Regarding trade, we would like to know if there is any
      sort of deal arranged between VOx Controli and Glory of
      War for Feudalism. If not, We would like to offer it as
      soon as we got it for the amount of 75 golds.
      Please respond as soon as possible,as we will need to
      start making lots of preparations before starting the
      military action and every wasted turn puts off our
      invasion additional turns.
      Your Friend,
      Nuclearis Winterius the III
      Ambassador to Vox Controli"

      We are overjoyed to hear of your planned involvement in this great crusade against the infidels of the Storm. And we do appreciate your monetary situation. If there was significant involvement on your behalf, we would be willing to provide engineering for no gold when completed. Significant involement is defined as 3-4 galleys providing troops and reinforcements. One or two galleys appearing soon would be appreciated. Please let us know of your plans and we can co-ordinate with Voxian and allied troops.

      As to Arashi - our plan is to bypass the city, isolating it and hopefully trapping the defenders inside it. We have significant reinforcements arriving soon which can assault the smaller cities - after they have been isolated and the infrastructure destroyed. We are also reinforcing our east coast force in the mountains - and it is currently tying down considerable GS forces.

      As to feudalism, I regret to inform you that we have previously reached a deal for feudalism with GoW. Thank-you for considering us - but we are committed.

      I look forward to your response - and to being brothers in arms in this crusade.

      My deepest regards - Beta the Bold.
      Founder of the Havamal - the true spirit of the Vikings!

      "V" .... Vox Controli. One Voice. To Victory.

