Copied from the 850bc thread:
About temples...
A temple in Vigo will expand the borders to the point that these two coastal guards are no more needed there to watch possible foreign ships coming to our land. I think that worths it.
Also a temple in Toledo (after the current worker) would give us the silk monopoly and make any ND attempt to settle a city near the silk a war declaration. Silk monopoly can prove very profitable for us...
Last but not least, please remember that we are engaged in a culuture war in the north, an that we need to keep our culture production to prevent our cities for flipping to the enemy side.
A temple in Vigo will expand the borders to the point that these two coastal guards are no more needed there to watch possible foreign ships coming to our land. I think that worths it.
Also a temple in Toledo (after the current worker) would give us the silk monopoly and make any ND attempt to settle a city near the silk a war declaration. Silk monopoly can prove very profitable for us...
Last but not least, please remember that we are engaged in a culuture war in the north, an that we need to keep our culture production to prevent our cities for flipping to the enemy side.